Declaration of the Visegrad Youth Conference

Cracow, 29th of April, 2001

We the students of the Visegrad countries, participants of the "Visegrad Youth Conference", wishing to build a wider platform of future cooperation of the V4, being concerned about:
  • strengthening the role of student exchange programs between our universities,
  • promoting the idea of Visegrad,
  • spreading the knowledge about the culture, economy, society, politics, of the Czech Republic, Republic of Hungary, Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic,
  • taking part in the discussion on the future of Europe,
  • whishing to become a bridge for cooperation between East and West,
  • wanting to create a Central European identity,
  • supporting the enlargement of the European Union,

We declare:

  1. the readiness for cooperation among the participating sides
  2. our willingness to discuss the possibility of the creation of anew Confederation for cooperation at out next summit in the Republic of Hungary, which in the future shall be open to other student organizations for participation
  3. our wish to continue the dialogue between students of the Visegrad countries that we have already started
  4. the intention of the Slovak and the Hungarian participants to create their own respective national organizations for cooperation with the existing organizations written below
  5. that there will be a meeting held in June 2001 in the Republic of Poland in preparation for the next summit in the Republic of Hungary.

Signed by:

Petr Just
Czech Political Science Students' Union, Czech Republic

Peter Kolossa
Initiative Group, Republic of Hungary

Jakub Witoszek
Young Diplomats' Center Cracow, Republic of Poland

Bartolomiej Janicki
Young Diplomats' Center Warsaw, Republic of Poland


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