Guidelines on the Future Areas of Visegrad Cooperation

Having in mind the common interest of all participating countries presented in the Declaration in Kroměříž on 12 May 2004, future cooperation will be developed particularly in the following areas:

Co-operation within the V4 area
  • Culture,
  • Education, youth exchange, science,
  • Continuation of the strengthening of the civic dimension of the Visegrad co-operation within the International Visegrad Fund and its structures,
  • Cross-border co-operation,
  • Infrastructure,
  • Environment,
  • Fight against terrorism, organised crime and illegal migration,
  • Schengen co-operation,
  • Disaster management,
  • Exchange of views on possible co-operation in the field of labour and social policy,
  • Exchange of experiences on foreign development assistance policy,
  • Defence and arms industries.

Co-operation within the EU

  • Consultations and co-operation on current issues of common interest,
  • Active contribution to the development of the CFSP, including the "Wider Europe—New Neighbourhood" policy and the EU strategy towards Western Balkans,
  • Consultations, co-operation and exchange of experience in the area of Justice and Home Affairs, Schengen co-operation, including protection and management of the EU external borders, visa policy,
  • Creating new possibilities and forms of economic co-operation within the European Economic Area,
  • Consultations on national preparations for joining the EMU,
  • Active participation in the development of the ESDP, as a contribution to the strengthening of relations between the EU and NATO and deepening of substantive dialogue between both organisations.

Co-operation with other partners

  • Co-operation with interested Central European countries,
  • Co-operation with EU and NATO candidate and aspiring countries in support of reforms essential for their European and Euro-Atlantic perspective,
  • Collaboration in effective implementation of programmes of co-operation of these countries with the EU and NATO,
  • Co-operation with other regional structures,
  • Collaboration with other interested countries and organisations.

Co-operation within NATO and other international organisations

  • Consultations and co-operation in the framework of NATO and on its defence capabilities,
  • Commitment to strengthening of transatlantic solidarity and cohesion,
  • Co-operation on the basis of the V4 experience to promote a common understanding of security among the countries aspiring to European and Euroatlantic institutions,
  • Enhanced co-operation within the international community in the fields of new security challenges, with a special emphasis on combating international terrorism,
  • Consultation and co-operation within the OSCE on issues of common concern for V4 countries; possible joint initiatives,
  • Consultation, co-operation and exchange of information in international organisations (UN, Council of Europe, OECD, etc.); consideration of possible joint initiatives,
  • Possible mutual support of candidacies in international organisations and bodies.

Mechanisms of co-operation

  • Governmental co-operation,
  • Rotating one-year presidency, each chairmanship prepares its own presidency programme ensuring, among others, continuity of a long-term V4 co-operation,
  • One official Prime Ministers summit a year at the end of each presidency,
  • Occasional informal meetings of Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers before international events,
  • Deputy foreign ministers meetings preceding the PM official summits,
  • Meetings of other ministers in V4 and V4+ format,
  • Intensified communication of V4 national co-ordinators and their key role in internal and inter-state co-ordination,
  • Consultation and co-operation of Permanent Representations to the EU and NATO in Brussels, as well as in all relevant fora (OSCE, UN, CoE, OECD, WTO, etc.),
  • International Visegrad Fund and its structures,
  • Meetings of Presidents of V4 countries,
  • Co-operation of Parliaments of V4 countries.

Kroměříž, May 12, 2004


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