Joint Declaration of the Prime Ministers of the V4 Countries on the EU

The Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group met in Kazimierz Dolny in Poland on 10th of June 2005. They consider the outcome of the referenda on the Constitutional Treaty carried out so far as a very serious challenge for the European Union. The concerns expressed in the public debates in all the EU Member States need to be thoroughly analysed and addressed, taking due account of the results of the referenda in France and the Netherlands which reflected rather other problems than the content of the Constitutional Treaty.
The European dream which has been long inspiring societies throughout the continent needs to be rediscovered and re-vitalised. All the citizens across the continent need a positive vision of the benefits of politically and economically strong European Union. It is the responsibility of the leaders of the European Union to provide that vision.
The Prime Ministers reiterated that the Constitutional Treaty is a compromise reached in good faith after difficult and complex negotiations. It remains the framework for further development of the European project. It enhances the ability of the European Union to address future internal and global challenges. Therefore the process of ratification should continue as foreseen in Art. IV-447 of the Constitutional Treaty and the Declaration 30 attached to the Final Act of the Intergovernmental Conference. All Member States should express themselves on the Treaty. They should proceed with ratification at the pace they consider most appropriate in their individual circumstances.
The Prime Ministers express their full confidence that the Governments of France and the Netherlands take the necessary steps to address problems in the ratification process they experienced. The Prime Ministers believe that the current situation could only be overcome by joint efforts in order to reinforce our common European project.
The Prime Ministers reiterate their commitment to further enlargement of the European Union.

The Prime Ministers believe that successful and commonly acceptable outcome of the final negotiations on the New Financial Perspective at the European Council in June would confirm that the European Union is capable of resolving major challenges. It would also demonstrate a principle of solidarity stipulated in the Treaties on which the EU is founded.

The Prime Ministers therefore call on all the Member States to prove the extent of their European accountability in achieving a successful outcome of the negotiations on the New Financial Perspective.


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