Joint Declaration of the Prime Ministers of the V4 Countries on Ukraine

The Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group, who met in Kazimierz Dolny in Poland on 10 June, welcomed Ukraine's commitment to implement EU-Ukraine Action Plan. They recognize efforts of the Government of Ukraine in the reform process and the first achievements in the strengthening democratic principles in Ukraine's public life. A new commitment to democracy and reforms opens European perspectives for Ukraine and new prospects for EU–Ukraine relations.
The Prime Ministers of The V4 confirmed their commitment to co-operate with Ukrainian's partners in implementation of the EU-Ukraine Action Plan.
The V4 countries decided to exchange information on (and co-ordinate where beneficial) bilateral assistance projects and the engagement of Visegrad countries in the twinning co-operation when it is finally offered to Ukraine later this year. In particular joint Visegrad Group efforts will concentrate on institutional development, regional co-operation and development, and implementation of selected reforms. The Visegrad Group countries will work towards closer co-operation between the EU and Ukraine in the area of CFSP, JHA as well as development of economic co-operation, with respect to facilitation of Ukraine's accession to the WTO as well as start of negotiations on free trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine. Prime Ministers recognised the importance of people-to-people contacts for development of EU relations with Ukraine. They shared the expectation that the EU-Ukraine visa facilitation agreement should allow for maintaining mutually beneficial arrangements that exist between Visegrad Group countries and Ukraine.
The Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group fully agreed that it is in our common interest to make EU-Ukraine AP implementation a success. They expressed hope for the positive outcome of the review of the progress made in political and economic reform in Ukraine and in strengthening EU-Ukraine relations during forthcoming EU–Ukraine Co-operation Council meeting and EU–Ukraine Summit.


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