Communiqué of the 16th Meeting of the Ministers for Culture of the Visegrad Group Countries

Budapest, 11–12 January 2007

The meeting of the Ministers for Culture of the Visegrad Group countries was held on 12th January 2007 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in Budapest.
The meeting of the Ministers for Culture was preceded by a meeting of experts held on 11th January 2007, at the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture, Budapest. The following subjects were discussed at the experts' meeting in the course of the preparation for the report of the Ministers' meeting to be held the following day:
  1. The implementation status of projects of the Visegrad Group in 2006 and new proposals
  2. Preparation for the next session of the EU Council of Ministers for Education and Culture in February 2007
  3. Dialogue in literature—Visegrad Library and Visegrad Anthology projects
  4. Dialogue in Music
  5. Colloquium of library information in the V4 countries held in Banská Bystrica in May 2006. Further support and decision is needed for designating the next host country
  6. Cultural heritage in the Visegrad Group countries and the new 'Challenges and threats' working group will be established by the invitation of the Polish party
  7. The achievements of the International Visegrad Fund have been appreciated e.g the structure and priorities of financing cultural projects of the individual member countries in the Visegrad Group.

The Ministers of Culture of the Visegrad Group countries evaluated the co-operation of the V4 countries and stressed its significance to support Central European identity through dialogues in music and literature, to multiply V4 multilateral activities in all fields of arts and the wider context of culture.
The agreed outcomes of the meeting are as follows:
  1. The Ministers accepted the expert's report on the actual implementation status of the projects of the V4 Group
  2. The Ministers expressed their acknowledgment of the report on the progress achieved in preparing new projects
  3. The ministers warmly welcomed the V4 Jazz Octet concert which was broadcast by the Hungarian public radio channel and a CD of the occasion will be made. The ministers agreed that possibility of its broadcasting in every V4 country should be considered
  4. The ministers agreed that the Hungarian project of the Visegrad Anthology should be continued and presented on the next meeting of the V4 Ministers and the commercial distribution would be examined
  5. In view of the preparations for the Year of Intercultural Dialogue, ministers agreed to support V4 cooperation within the EU framework
  6. The Czech Deputy Minister has emphasised the mutual cultural inspiration of the Central European literatures. All four countries are fully supportive of presenting the common strength and features of the past and present through literature
  7. In view of the approaching meeting of the EU Education, Youth and Culture Council held 13 and 14 of November 2006 and of the motto "Money spend for culture is not subsidy but investment to the society", the V4 Ministers discussed a few aspects of the economy of culture based on the study being prepared for the Commission
  8. Ministers accepted the proposal of the Hungarian Minister that V4 close co-operation and further discussions on the economy of culture is essential
  9. Ministers accepted the proposal of Slovakian minister regarding a feature European film English Rhapsody in Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Polish coproduction
  10. The Slovakian idea is to promote Common Digital Broadcasting was welcomed by the ministers as well as to promote the idea of submitting it for information to their own respective authorities
  11. It has been accepted that the Colloquium of library information in the V4 countries is supported by the Ministers for Culture and will take place in 2008
  12. The Polish initiative of creating and setting up a working group within the V4 forum to examine the effects of economic and social transformation on cultural heritage in the Visegrad countries has been accepted. The ministers welcome the participation of the experts in the conference "Memory reclaimed" being organized by the International Cultural Centre in Krakow in June 2007
  13. The ministers encourage the experts to carry on working on the Study Tour Programme for young artists and cultural managers, taking into consideration the existence of the Visegrad Residency Programme of the International Visegrad Fund
  14. Ministers welcome the candidature of Wroclaw to the organisation of the EXPO 2012 World Exhibition as an opportunity to promote the whole Central European region, notably in the context of the subject "The culture of leisure in world economies" and its growing importance. They find the exhibition theme coherent with the European Union's policy, the Lisbon agenda and the V4 interests in promoting its cultural and creative industries
  15. The Ministers for Culture agreed on strengthening of the V4 co-operation in the field of culture particularly in the EU Working Groups
  16. In the course of the meeting the Ministers held a ceremony of awarding the Visegrad Prize of 2006. This has been awarded to the International Cultural Centre in Kraków. The Ministers agreed that the next nomination will be considered in the course of the next meeting of the Ministers

The attending parties established that the next meeting of the Ministers for Culture of the Visegrad Group Countries will be held in Slovakia in October 2007.
Done and signed in Budapest, 12 January 2007
Minister for Education and Culture
Republic of Hungary
Minister of Culture, the Slovak Republic
Deputy Minister of Culture, the Czech Republic
Krzysztof OLENDZKI
Under Secretary of State of Culture and National Heritage, the Republic of Poland


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