Joint Communiqué of the Ministers of Defence of the Visegrad Group Countries

Bratislava, 12 April 2007

The Ministers of Defence of the Visegrad Group Countries:
Value the importance of regular meetings of the Ministers of Defence of the Visegrad Group, which present a platform for coordination and discussion of issues of common interest, such as NATO transformation, development of EU capabilities, and crisis-management operations.

Support continued transformation of NATO in political and military spheres. Successful continuation of this process is a prerequisite for effective countering of new threats and meeting challenges in the transatlantic security area.

Confirm special support to the open-door policy of the Alliance. NATO must keep its doors open to those who are truly prepared to share our common values. The enlargement process must be viewed from the perspective of future stability, security and prosperity of the entire Euro-Atlantic region.

Express their hope that the cooperation between V4 countries and Ukraine will be further developed with a view of strengthening its relations with European and Euroatlantic structures.

Underline that strengthening of the transatlantic relations, development of partnerships and cooperation among the member states of NATO and the EU remain strategic goals of the Visegrad Group countries.

Welcome the discussion on a possible establishment of an EU Battle Group of the Visegrad Group countries in the horizon beyond 2015. Further analyses and consultations will be carried out to supplement and advise the political process. In this respect complementarity between the NRF and EU BG concepts should continue to be supported.

Emphasize that in the context of NATO and EU, the aim to achieve stability, security, democracy and prosperity in the region of the Western Balkans and in Afghanistan remains one of the priorities of the foreign and defence policies of all Visegrad Group countries. The Visegrad Group countries are prepared to maintain their contributions in both regions.

Reiterate their support for the efforts of the international community aimed at bringing peace and stability to Iraq. In this respect, they note the important role of NTM-I.
František Kašický
Vlasta Parkanová
Imre Szekeres
Aleksander Szczygło


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