Joint Statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group Countries and Moldova

25 October 2007

The Visegrad countries fully support the European aspirations of Moldova. The Visegrad countries welcome the progress achieved so far in the implementation of the Moldova–EU Action Plan and encourage Moldova to further continue in this process. The Action Plan represents a comprehensive and solid basis for enhancing EU–Moldova relations, and for advancing the political and economic reform process in Moldova. The EU should acknowledge the pace of progress, Moldova's efforts and concrete achievements.
The Visegrad countries consider Moldova's deepening co-operation with the European Union as an important element of transformation of entire Eastern Europe. The Visegrad countries support our East European neighbours' European aspirations and perceive them as an integral part of the political vision of the opened door policy of the EU. The European Union should respond positively to their ambitions and utilize them to promote the desirable political and economic reforms and broaden the prospects for future integration.
The Visegrad countries will aim at initiating a discussion within the European Union on the future EU–Moldova relations with the objective of starting negotiations on possible new framework of the EU-Moldova relations in due time, including the replacement of the current Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA).
The Visegrad countries and Moldova attach great importance to the issue of visa regimes and express their hope that the Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements will enter into force as soon as possible and will contribute to promoting people-to-people contacts between Moldova and EU Member States. The opening of the Common Visa Application Centre in Chisinau on 25 April 2007 also indicates the rise in the level of co-operation between the EU and Moldova.
The Visegrad countries and Moldova believe that liberalization of market relations and greater access of Moldovan goods to the European market will contribute to economic growth and well being both in Moldova and EU countries. The Visegrad countries will therefore support concrete measures, including granting of the additional Autonomous Trade Preferences (ATPs) to Moldova. The Visegrad countries also support the Commission's intention to launch a feasibility study regarding the establishment of a deep and comprehensive Free Trade Area (FTA).
The Visegrad countries and Moldova call for a peaceful solution to the Transnistrian conflict on the basis of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova. The Visegrad countries support an active involvement of the European Union in the 5+2 format of negotiations of the Transnistrian problem and believe that coordinated efforts should be made in order to resume the negotiation process.
The Visegrad countries and Moldova call upon the Russian Federation to fully comply with the obligations assumed at the OSCE Summit in 1999 and to withdraw its military forces and ammunition from the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
The Visegrad countries and Moldova highly appreciate the activities of the EU Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM) deployed at the Moldovan–Ukrainian border. It plays a central and effective role in securing and ensuring the management of the border of the two countries, including its Transnistrian segment.
The Visegrad countries and Moldova encourage the international actors in the 5+2 format to consider the possibility of transforming the current peacekeeping operation in the Transnistrian region of Moldova into a multinational civilian peacekeeping mission under an international mandate.

His Excellency Mr. Andrei Stratan
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Republic of Moldova
His Excellency Mr. Karel Schwarzenberg
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Czech Republic
Her Excellency Mrs. Kinga Göncz
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Hungary
Her Excellency Mrs. Anna Fotyga
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Poland
His Excellency Mr. Ján Kubiš
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Slovak Republic


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