Joint Statement, V4 + Slovenia Prime Ministers' Meeting

Ostrava, December 9–10, 2007

The meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and the Prime Minister of Slovenia was held on December 9–10, 2007 in Ostrava, Czech Republic, country currently presiding over the Visegrad Group. The meeting was hosted by Mr. Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and attended by Mr. Ferenc Gyurcsány, Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary, Mr. Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic and Mr. Janez Janša, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia.
The Prime Ministers of the Visegrad countries and the Republic of Slovenia reviewed the ongoing Czech presidency of the Visegrad Group and the fulfilment of its priorities, discussed current situation in Kosovo, expressed the need to continue with support to the Western Balkan countries in their integration effort, appreciated the enlargement of the Schengen system area and exchanged their views on the issue of the energy security. The Prime Ministers discussed priorities of the upcoming Slovenian Presidency in the Council of the EU, as well as the preparations of the Czech Presidency.
For the Visegrad Group countries and the Republic of Slovenia, their integration into the Schengen area and the abolition of border controls is an issue stretching far beyond the area of justice and home affairs and carries a large symbolic value. The Visegrad Group and the Republic of Slovenia welcome the enlargement of Schengen area as a significant step to fulfilling the core ideas of the EU.
The Visegrad countries and Slovenia are supportive of the Portuguese Presidency ambitions towards the upcoming European Council meeting in December. They believe that the Council approval of significant issues of institutional reform, enlargement, justice and home affairs, economic and environmental agenda and external relations (Kosovo) will pave the way for successful development during the Slovenian Presidency.
The Visegrad countries look forward to the Slovenian Presidency in the Council of the EU. Visegrad countries offer their support in promoting the goals and priorities of the Slovenian Presidency, notably in strengthening European competitiveness, energy policy, and Western Balkans agenda, and area of justice and home affairs. The Visegrad countries welcome the debate on creation of the European External Action Service that will be launched by the Slovenian Presidency. Regarding the EU enlargement, Visegrad countries and the Republic of Slovenia expressed their commitment to support all EU candidate countries until they achieve the full membership.
The V4 countries and Slovenia stressed the necessity to renew the dynamism of the reform process in most of the countries of the Western Balkan region. In this respect they consider full implementation of the Thessaloniki agenda highly important, especially the enhancement of people-to-people contacts and the removal of all obstacles to free travel of citizens from the Western Balkan countries. The V4 countries and Slovenia welcomed the European Commission's intention to prepare a road map towards the full visa liberalization.
The Prime Ministers stressed the necessity of an early solution to the Kosovo status issue that would strengthen the regional stability.
The Visegrad countries and the Republic of Slovenia consider the European Neighbourhood Policy as an efficient tool for deepening relations between the EU and its Neighbours. The Visegrad countries support their East European neighbours' European aspirations and perceive them as an integral part of the EU open door policy political vision. The European Union should respond positively to the ambitions of these countries in order to promote the necessary political and economic reforms and broaden the prospect of their future integration.
The Visegrad countries and the Republic of Slovenia countries pay special attention to the Eastern European countries and to the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plans in the region. The Visegrad Group and the Republic of Slovenia believe that an early conclusion of negotiations with the Ukraine on the new agreement with the EU will strengthen stability and advance reform processes in this country.
The Visegrad countries would like to strengthen dialogue with Baltic countries on issues related to inter alia ENP and energy during the Czech Presidency of V4.
The V4 countries and Slovenia closely follow the situation and developments in Georgia. They underlined the necessity to organize the presidential elections in Georgia in a transparent manner and in accordance with democratic standards. Despite the recent upheavals, the Visegrad countries support further deepening the cooperation between the EU and Georgia.

His Excellency Mr. Janez Janša
Prime Minister
Republic of Slovenia
His Excellency Mr. Mirek Topolánek
Prime Minister
Czech Republic
His Excellency Mr. Ferenc Gyurcsány
Prime Minister
Republic of Hungary
His Excellency Mr. Donald Tusk
Prime Minister
Republic of Poland
His Excellency Mr. Robert Fico
Prime Minister
Slovak Republic


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