Press Release of the Polish V4 Presidency after the Official Summit of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group Countries and Baltic States

Warsaw, November 5, 2008

On November 5th Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic and Prime Ministers of the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania met in Warsaw at the official Summit of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries and the Baltic States (B3).
The Heads of governments of the V4 countries discussed current issues related to the impact of the financial crisis of Central European markets, the climate-energy package and security of energy supplies to the EU. The V4 countries declared also they full support for the Czech presidency in 2009.
The second part of the Summit in the V4+ format—with Baltic States—was dedicated to ways of implementation of the Eastern Partnership initiative and relations with Eastern neighbours, energy supplies diversification as well as topics raised at October's European Council.
The Prime Ministers supported all dialogue regarding possible steps aiming the reinforcement of financial stability both at European and international level. The fact that more efforts should be undertaken in view of meeting the targets of Lisbon Strategy and the Stability and Growth Pact was emphasised by all sides.
The Prime Ministers discussed in depth the European Commission's proposals regarding the energy-climate package. They have concluded that all accepted solutions should be suitable for all European economy sectors and for all Member States of the EU. The complex character of the climate-energy package requires a consensus decision about its final shape.
There is general consensus among Visegrad Group countries and Baltic States that the European Union should pave the way for diversifying energy sources and routes of its supply to the European Union. Efficient solidarity mechanisms at the Community level should be developed.
The Prime Ministers expressed their expectation of ensuring suitable EU's financial measures, essential for an effective implementation of Eastern Partnership.
They have also welcomed the firm stand of the European Union with regard to the Georgian-Russian conflict, the launch of talks in Geneva as well as the substantial assistance to the process of economic reconstruction of Georgia.


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