Budapest, 4–5 February 2010
A meeting of the Ministers for Culture was preceeded by a working meeting of ministerial experts, which took place on 7 February. In preparation for the Experts' Report, for the Meeting of the Ministers for Culture the following day the topics below were discussed:
- Progress achieved with the implementation of cultural programs since the 19th meeting of the Ministers of Culture of the Visegrad Group countries in Warsaw in 2009.
- The ongoing project Colloquium of Library-Information employees from the V4 countries.
- Information on the working group on cultural heritage in the V4 countries and their new proposals.
- The follow-up of the V4 Seminar on Realization of EU funds in the wide scale of cultural programs.
- Challenges of supporting joint cultural projects implemented by partners from the Visegrad countries.
- New project proposals.
- The selection procedure for the 'International Visegrad Prize 2009'.
The following commitments were made in the meeting of Ministers:
- The Ministers accepted the joint Experts' Report and expressed their satisfaction with the progress in the implementation of the individual programs.
- The Ministers acknowledged the information on the programs of the International Visegrad Fund.
- The Ministers welcomed the programs complying with the priorities of the Hungarian Visegrad Presidency.
- It was underlined that strengthening cultural cooperation within the Visegrad Group through completed, implemented and new projects, supporting joint promotional activities for V4 cultural programs is to be continued.