3 December 1335

King John, the Bohemian sovereign, reports on the arrangement of the affairs at the three-week-long summit at the court of the King of Hungary to the Grand Master of the German Order of Teutonic Knights
To the venerable man, Lord Theoderic, Knight, Grand Master of the Order of the Glorious Virgin Mary of the German Hospital of Jerusalem, to the beloved friend, John, by divine grace King of Bohemia, the Count of Luxembourg sends greetings, grace, and blessings. Let it be known that, during the three weeks we spent at the court of the King Lord of Hungary, we arranged your affairs and those of the Order, as we could, precisely as your knights who were with us could have reported it. First, the King Lord of Poland ought to guarantee by documents the renunciation of the lands of Culmerland (Chełmno Lands) and Pomerania (Gdansk Pomerania) as well as sincere friendship towards you in the future. Item, the King Lord of Hungary and we ought to give testimonial documents on the aforementioned renunciation of the King of Poland and on the concord and agreement between you and the King of Poland. Item, the King of Poland ought to address a supplication to the Lord Pope in order that the Pope shall make a confirmation of the donation of the lands of Culmerland and Pomerania to you and to the Order. Item, the King of Poland ought to give documents and receive documents from archbishops and other ecclesiastical and secular persons to the fact that damages of the past war shall not be avenged, and shall not be attacked in any ecclesiastical or secular court. Item, the King of Poland ought to order documents from the King of Hungary on the renunciation of the lands of Culmerland and Pomerania in his and his successors' names, since his wife is the sister of the King of Poland. Done under our seal on the Sunday "Ad te levavi" is sung in the year of the Lord 1335.

Charter issued on December 3, 1335 (the hanging seal has been lost); Original: Prussian Secret Central Archives, Berlin
"3 December 1335". In: Rácz, György (ed.): Visegrád 1335. Bratislava, 2009, p. 156.


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