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International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

to stand about; to cool one's heels; to loiter
standard; ultimate; radical; primordial; vital
peg; break; slant; chance; opportunity; handle
to stand stock-still; to stand; stood; to stagnaten.
athletic sports; track and field events; athletics
Punch and Judy show
toughie; desperado; goon; toughy; ruffian; bandit
to maltreat; to misuse; to injure; to manhandle
to hand in; to present; to give in; to exhibit
intrinsic; interior; inside; inland; pectoraladj.
apartment house; block of flats; land
handcuff; wristlet; manacle; handcuffs; irons
lordship; asset; property; estate; domain; land
booth; hut; pitch; stand; hootch
bingo; brandy
generous; large; charitable; bounteous; handsome
whoop; hide-and-seek; peek-a-boo
to play hide-and-seek
goodies; candy; sweetmeat; sucks; sweetie; sweet
lustre; chandelier; luster
bank; wing; band; battery; clump; posse; number
upstanding; body; brave; shaft; waist; good; butt
upstanding; body; brave; shaft; waist; good; butt
stand-off; drawn game; drawn; tien.
on one's pat; single-handed; singly; solely; alone
on one's pat; single-handed; singly; solely; alone
band; fellowship; club; association
rapport; accord; understanding; unity; accordance
to merchandise; to vend; to turn into money
to put in hand; to inchoate; to start; to set up
notwithstanding; with; in the teeth of
flesh; flesh and blood; human body
forest; woodland; forestry
violent; randy; bounder; bullying; overbearing
to stand; stood; good; effectual; to operate
and; plus; more
boss; top dog; panjandrum; big pot; big bugn.
to cede; to chuck up; to abandon; to get off
to cede; to chuck up; to abandon; to get off
surplus; balance in hand; redundancy; redundance
to scandalize; to incense; to revolt
warrant; authorization; authority; mandate
demander; demandant; suitor; petitioner; orator
demander; demandant; suitor; petitioner; orator
misconception; misapprehension; misunderstanding
stipulation; assumption; understanding; condition
man; men; husband; old man
informal; off-hand; easy; airy; unselfconscious
flirtation; philander
coat stand; coat rack; hanger; pass; rack
stopper; dish; knack; handle; tweak; clench; catch
hare and hounds; tag
deficient; handicapped
carriage; landing gear; undercarriage
tab; flap; flappers; lug; ear; handle; bail; bow
bands; collar; neck
economy; farm; farmland
often; frequently; again and again; oft-times; oft
candle; spark plug
cup; rings; ring; collar; band; hoop
cup; rings; ring; collar; band; hoop
hop step and jump; hop skip and jump
hand-me-down; used
smashing; powerful; gigantesque; grandiose; huge
left-hand page; inside
penalty; handicap; disadvantage; inconvenience
home; domestic; home-made; inland
sand pit; sand box
to bear; bore; borne; to bear; bore; born; to land
to bear; bore; borne; to bear; bore; born; to land
wave zone; band; waveband
to want; to call for; to need; to claim; to demand
to exhort; to waft; to wave one's hand; to motion
gourmand; have a delicate palate; toothsomen.
handicrafts; arts and crafts
filament lamp; incandescent lamp
hand; set; gameSport.
of high account; considerable; handsome
nominee; candidate
easy on the eye; good-looking; handsome
to augur; to read sy's hand; to foretell; foretold
lever; handle; school; arm; faculty; hand; wing
lever; handle; school; arm; faculty; hand; wing
chorus-master; bandmaster; conductor
leisured; nonchalant; comfortable; comfy; handy
made; hand-me-down; he's dead and done for; ready
duke; flapper; hand; mauler
to hand; to deliver
emergency brake; handbrake; side brake
embroidery; needlework; made by hand
hand luggage; hand baggage; cabin baggage
grip; hand bag; gripsack; valise; handbag
mark; hand
to come round; to kiss and be friends
harbor; dock; landing stage; port; harbour; haven
Too many results. Try to be more specific!
© 2006–2023, International Visegrad Fund.
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