October 20th, 2024 AAAA
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International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

difficulty; balk; objection; hitch; bar; leap; let
go; dicker; deal; bargain
to chaffer; to bargain
whiskers; moustache; fringe; mustache; barb
hacker; bard
barytone; baritone
barstool; bar stool
to bargain; to cope
to step in; to go aboard; to embark; to board
swapping; barter; swap; change; exchange
bare; smooth; nude; naked; bald
dike; shackle; traverse; pen; seal; bar; hurdle
irksome; ungrateful; barren; ingrate; thankless
roller; roll; cylinder; barrel; reel
keg; barrel; butt; cask
needle; barbed needle; crochet hook
barrel; pod; cod; scabbard; sheath; sleeve; husk
bar; saloon
cabaret; cabaret show
bare; scant; slim; slight; tight; scarce
sale; clearance; bargain sale
to change; to refit; to barter; to exchange
to get off; to get out; to land; to disembark
disembarkation; arrival; getting off
hairless; peeled; bare; callow; twink; bald
poet; bard; minstrel; warbler; bulbuln.
monkey bars; jungle gym
to arrest; to preclude; to bar; to balk; to hinder
scuddy; bare; nude; naked; have nothing on
unframed; barbaric; savage; barbarous; illiterate
crag; stud; neck; barrel; collar; scrag; tang; nab
horizontal bar; tensile; high barSport.
to bareface
bar; counter
sheer; bare; barren; mere; bleak; bare; wasteadj.
desert; heath; barren; wild; wilderness; waste
grill; grate; rail; grating; bars; lattice; screen
handle; staff; rod; slot; bar; spar; stick; pole
bald; barren; humdrum; gaunt; dusty; bleak; drear
bald; barren; humdrum; gaunt; dusty; bleak; drear
barrenness; dinginess; dreariness; desolation
skinny; gaunt; hungry; underweight; bare-boned
bar; pub; saloon; tap; taproom
hops; beer; malt liquor; slosh; John Barleycorn
radius; radii; stream; glimmer; bar; spurt; jetMath.
bbq; gridiron; grid; barbecue
bone; string; splint; splinter; barb
bone; string; splint; splinter; barb
bald; bare; anhydrous; lean; cut and dried; fine
shame; embarrassment; self-abasement
intent; prickly; stinging; hirsute; barbed; stingy
to stagger; to barge about; to teeter; to totter
to protest; to raise objection; to bar; to demur
lock; obturator; barricade; bar
to cry; to bark; to bay; to bow-wow; to yap
yip; bay; yelp; bark
barrister; counsel; legal practitioner; attorney
stroke; bar; beat; numbers; measure; lilt; cadence
defendant; prisoner at the bar; culprit; accused
barbarity; wildness; gothicism; fierceness
to mog; to trudge; to barge along; to drag
railing; crash barrier
to bard
hard stuff; red-eye; John Barleycorn
to block; to embargo
embarrassing; violator; unsettling; interfering
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