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Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

perch; sprig; snub; arm; branch; shroud
upper story; brain; seat of learning
concussion; concussion of the brain
cerebrum; cerebra; brain; brains
cerebral accident; cerebral haemorrhage
adumbration; cloud; cast shadow; shade; umbrage
classification; disposition; calibration; setting
bingo; brandy
to blubber; to bellow; to rout; to bray; to blub
sign; brass
cue; braid; plait; pigtail; tail of hair
to dare; durst; to brave; to defy; to challenge
upstanding; body; brave; shaft; waist; good; butt
upstanding; body; brave; shaft; waist; good; butt
to brake off; to stick; stuck; to stall; to jam
to project; to fancy; to adumbrate
monument; reminiscence; recollection; remembrance
remembrance; recollection; reminiscion
wit; brain; intellect; savvy; senses; mind; head
stopper; curb; brake; check
to brake; to keep in; to bridle; to contain
vertebral column; spinal column
brawn; muscle; muscular
bracelet; wristlet; bangle
emergency brake; handbrake; side brake
to truss; to chock up; to brace; to chock
brandy; French brandy; cognac; bingo
brainpan; skull; pate; cranium; crania
lending library
to abrade; to scale; to scrape; to rub off
make; mark; brand
bust-bodice; brassiere; halter; bra
brass; cockiness; boldness; daring; intrepidity
brainy; nimble-minded; wise; nimble; shrewd; sharp
to bellow; to bray; to bawl; to bell; to yell
embrace; clasp; cuddle; cole
brainchild; conceit; wrinkle; slant; gimmick; idea
embers; live coals; brand; cinder
sodden; boiled; braised
cheeky; forward; sassy; impudent; brash; hubristicadj.
ledge; shelf; shelves; whatnot; bracket
tad; spawn; brat
abrasive; snappy; zippy; pushing; pushy; go-ahead
to crunch; to creak; to crackle; to bray; to blast
trepidancy; quiver; thrill; vibration; trepidation
braid; fringe; verge; periphery; seam; band; bed
giddy-pated; featherbrain; perky; dirty; gusty
impudent; naughty; cheeky; arrogant; brash; brassy
flesh and fell; neck and crop; root and branch
brash; undiplomatic; pushing; inconsiderate
indiscretion; gaucherie; brashness
free from all encumbrances; unencumbered
plot; contrivance; brainchild; slant; adumbration
bracing; fine; exhilarating; blandadj.
to celebrate; to resound
rejoicings; celebration
featherbrain; empty-headed; rattlebrained; vacuous
in mint condition; brand-new; brand new
sketchy; diagrammatic; adumbrative; schematic
to draw; drew; drawn; to sketch; to adumbrate
to draw; drew; drawn; to sketch; to adumbrate
chop; brand
set-to; fight; scrap; fray; brawl; scrimmage
to bop; to combat; to brawl; to scrap; to scuffle
to brawl; to altercate; to jangle; to spat; to jar
emergency brake
vibration; shake; flutter; thrill; vibrancy
round brackets; brackets; bracket; parentheses
line; gimp; flex; cordon; braid; lace; string
to braid; to lace
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