September 27th, 2024 AAAA
Fri 27 September 2024
Warszawa (PL)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 23 21 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Praha (CZ)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
23 22 22 16 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Bratislava (SK)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
20 23 20 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Budapest (HU)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 24 27 19 17


Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

sideboards; sideburns
crack; burglar; housebreaker; cracker of cribs
burr; thistle; bur
to crackle; to grit; to crunch; to grate; to bur
to burn; to pinch; to nip; to burn; burnt; to peck
to flame; to burn; to be on fire; heaven; sky
burn; ignition; flagrancy
to fire; to parch; to burn; to calcinate
burning; calcination; firing
acute; burning; searing; caustic; exigent; burneradj.
afire; alight; burner; bulb; consumable; flagrant
afire; alight; burner; bulb; consumable; flagrant
to burn away; to last out; fairly; suffice; enoughadv.
to burn away; to last out; fairly; suffice; enough
hot; fervid; scalding; burning; fervent; ebullient
to bur; to bad-mouth; to drill; to hole; to bore
burner; quenching; combustion; ignition; quencher
shop; bureau; bureaux; office; station; charge
desk; bureau; bureaux; writing-table
office; agency; shop; bureau; bureaux
suburb; outskirts
to bite; bit; bitten; to burn; burnt; to mill
to burn; burnt; to burn
relief; unburdening; ease
bureau; bureaux; department
big; grand; burly; power; massive; great; roomy
stiff; grave; tough; hard; thorny; burdensome
bourgeois; commoner; burgess
bourgeois; commoner; burgess
carburetor; pulverizer; nose; vaporizer; diffuser
cargo; load; fraught; bulk; burden; freight
rigid; crabby; cold; burly; severe; hard; short
scurry; rush; career; running; run; burst; scuttle
burnt-out coil; short; short-circuit
sprout; eye; offset; burgeon; bud
to bud; to be in bud; to push out; to burgeon
burgeon; eye; offset; grain; bud
pall; spread; blanket; cover; overburden; coat
obsequy; obsequies; burial; interment; funeral
to knit; knit; to bur; to condense; to knit
information bureau
travel bureau; travel agency
redemption; reimbursement
thrill; burr
rattle; clack; rustle; clatter; rustling; burr
to bluster; to sough; to bur; to wuther; to buzz
© 2006–2023, International Visegrad Fund.
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