September 27th, 2024 AAAA
Fri 27 September 2024
Warszawa (PL)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 23 21 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Praha (CZ)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
23 22 22 16 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Bratislava (SK)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
20 23 20 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Budapest (HU)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 24 27 19 17


Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

counterpane; bedspread; overlay; coverlet
cove; egg; dog; shape; number; format; form; cuss
cove; egg; dog; shape; number; format; form; cuss
cove; egg; dog; shape; number; format; form; cuss
grotto; grottoes; delve; cave; cove; den; cavern
vault; cove; arch
cover; envelope
cover; bush; scrub; spinney; shrubbery; underbrush
portico; covered market; hall; coliseum
agreement; covenant; convention
to uncover; to manifest; to let on; to betray
to cover; to horse; to screen
rise; recovery; lift-off; heaving; ascension; lift
to discover; to pioneer; to observe; to unearth
revelation; discovery; finding; find
cover; air; draught
to promise; to covenant; to bid; bid
to dock; to berth; to call at a port; to covenant
range; ambit; expansion; scope; coverage; expanse
subtracting; pulling out; recovery; phaseout
coverage; commentary; interposure; interposition
to expose; to uncover; to denounce; to detect
hollow; bowl; cove; recess; basin; pelvis; hearth
salvage; overbid; flag-flaying; rescue; recovery
to be past help; can't be helped; beyond recovery
to disguise; to wrap; to cover; to extenuate
hopeless; beyond hope; gone; beyond recovery
abyss; precipice; gulch; cleft; cove; gulf; pit
concord; compact; pact; covenant; engagement
strict; cramp; cove; pass; near; tense; crampedadj.
clubbing; covenant; association; alliance; unionPol.
pall; spread; blanket; cover; overburden; coat
place; cover; place setting
size; range; coverage; bulk; quantity; reach
concealed; undercover; covert; privy
to cover; to inform sy; to inform sy of sg
tidings; story; advertising; coverage; report
to shield; to shelter; to armor; to cover; to ward
cover; shielding; save; safeguard; defence; shield
cover; shielding; save; safeguard; defence; shield
to shield; to cover; to ward; to safeguard
covert; protected; defended; sheltered; snug
© 2006–2023, International Visegrad Fund.
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