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Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

upper story; brain; seat of learning
to yammer; to yearn
menial; sub; underling; plebeian; earthbound; low
heartily; hot; regularly; exhaustively; roundly
forearm; lower arm
spirited; hardy; ballsy; fearless; dreadnought
to hearten; to nerve; to buoy up; to encourage
to switch on; to do up; to clasp; to gear
clear; particular; certain; some; sure; definite
clear; particular; certain; some; sure; definite
bearings; hatchment; coat of arms; crest; blazon
footwear; shoe; foot-gear
pivot bearing; pillow; bearing; bearings
spear; sapling
tear; diminutive; drop; speck; gout; spot; globule
precious; dear; expensive; costly; sumptuous
all; plumb; integral; clear; total; fairly; somen.
all; plumb; integral; clear; total; fairly; someadj.
acute; burning; searing; caustic; exigent; burneradj.
institute; college; seat of learning; university
to unlearn; unlearnt; to unlearn; to get over
to sling; slung; to throw clear; to reject
to drain; to use; to use up; to wear out
to rear; to heave; hove; to lift; to advance
violent; randy; bounder; bullying; overbearing
lucid; plain; emphatic; intelligible; clear; broad
class; college year; year
lassitude; weariness; languidity; tiredness
rude; boorish; homespun; uncouth; earthy; unframed
gruelling; grueling; warm; wearisome; onerous
underwear; linen; white goods; underclothes
dread; willies; funk; fear; awe; apprehension
timid; faint-hearted; sheepish; chicken-hearted
to put up; to build up; to rear; to set up
to discover; to pioneer; to observe; to unearth
to get up; to get out of bed; to uprear
to nurse; to uprear; to raise; to foster; to rear
off; clear; wide open; aside; by
bottom; fanny; posteriors; tail; hams; rear; prat
seat of learning
to run for dear life; to run for; to course
carriage; landing gear; undercarriage
tab; flap; flappers; lug; ear; handle; bail; bow
jarring; earsplitting; grating
bearer; person in charge; hold; shoulder; tree
bearer; person in charge; hold; shoulder; tree
pearl; bead
bearing; fructification; fruit
to gun for; to actuate; to chase; to tear ass
hallway; main lounge; to hear; heard; lounge; hall
hallway; main lounge; to hear; heard; lounge; hall
hearing; audition
fissure; break; chink; breach; rive; tear; crack
to come near; to bear a resemblance; to be near
usage; wear; use; common right; tenure
gain; use; profit; gains; utility; earnings; spoil
rearguard; quarterback; rear; back
stance; bearing; juncture; lie; state; status; lay
slack; leak; airspace; clearance; interstice; gap
entire; flawless; clear; perfect; immaculate
gear; personal effects; paraphernalia; effectsn.
to carry; to tote; to convey; to bear; bore; borne
to bear; bore; borne; to bear; bore; born; to land
to bear; bore; borne; to bear; bore; born; to land
pectoral; flagrant; heat; warmth; earnestn.
bouillon; clear soup; consommé
in earnest; forsooth; true; right; in truth; truly
scary; gruesome; unearthly; grim; dreadful; awful
direction; trend; tenor; course; running; bearing
idea; knowledge; learning; cognition
polar bear; white bear
get; income; takings; earnings; proceeds; return
next year
chapeau; headgear; hat
damn; expletive; oath; swear-word; swearing; cuss
to swear hard; to swear hard; to swan; to curse
to get; got; to look for; to pick up; to earn
hunting; quest; search; pursuit; questing
plaint; makings; legal action; wages; earnings
posteriorly; later; in after years; at leisure
first; at an early stage; incipiently; at first
sale; clearance; bargain sale
to root out; to unearth; to excavate; to delve up
to sustain; to do with; to bear; bore; borne
insufferable; insupportable; unbearable
to clear up; to elicit; to ascertain; to find out
have itching ears; inquisitive; nosey; curious
by heart; by rote; outwardly
clip; clips; clip-on earring
previous; preceding; earlier; antecedent; prior
premised; forward; premature; early; untimely
costly; dear; sumptuous; expensive
near by; next door to; nigh; by near; towards; up
to draw on; to draw; drew; drawn; to near
probing; disquisition; research; quest; search
boot; foot-gear; footwear
Too many results. Try to be more specific!
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