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International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

whatever; whatsoever; any
he is not the man to; there are people who; that
what; what; which; I've taken sg on myself which
that; so much; as much as; so
that is; namely; to wit; say; viz.; i.e.
thereupon; thence; to the end that; in order to
affable; voluble; chatty; conversational; yakky
to rap; to talk; to rabbit; to converse; to chat
gossiping; talking; converse; rap; talk; chat
bearings; hatchment; coat of arms; crest; blazon
it will go hard but; but; that's all very well but
incidentally; from that matter; again; otherwise
so much; this much; so many; that much
so much; so; that rate; that; this rate
lucid; plain; emphatic; intelligible; clear; broad
with this; in the future; with that; again
with this; with that
clash; tittle-tattle; chatter; blat; cackle; talk
to pass round the hat; to send round the hat
to abhor; to hate; to loathe; to abominate
odious; rank; loathsome; hateful; hateable
I'll be blowed if; what boots it to; except; gin
ghaut; pass; ghat
determinate; definite; game; unmoved; emphatic
emphatically; deliberately; resolutely; firmly
to the end that; it never entered my head that; asconj.
whatyamacallit; doodad; thingummy; number; jig
chapeau; headgear; hat
beforehand; previously; prior to that; before
all; all those; all that
mouth; muzzle; port; spread; recess; hatchway; gap
to feel like a boiled rag; as black as my hat; as
old hat; obsolete; crippled with age; antiquated
to crash over; to shatter
to crush up; to shatter; to shiver; to smash
ledge; shelf; shelves; whatnot; bracket
sorry to say; sorry; it is to be regretted that
bonnet; hat; dome; cap
chit-chat; tittle-tattle; hearsay; rumour; report
chit-chat; gossiping; clash
to hate; to abominate; to loathe; to detest
abhorrence; abomination; hatred; distaste; dislike
to chatter
that is; in one word; in a word; i.e.; namely
white; bright; it is clear that; luminous; plain
to chatter; to clack; to clatter; to jangle
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