October 19th, 2024 AAAA
Sat 19 October 2024
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Sat 19 October 2024
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Sat 19 October 2024
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Sat 19 October 2024
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International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

universal; public; generic; overhead; common
address; title; head
address; title; head
head; paterfamilias
pigheaded; rusty; as stubborn as a mule; ornery
bit; slug; head; portion; snip; piece; slab
fore; to mortify; ahead; in front
significance; purport; import; head; wit; reason
significance; purport; import; head; wit; reason
significance; purport; import; head; wit; reason
wit; brain; intellect; savvy; senses; mind; head
to top; to head
headset; headphones
head scarf; headscarf; kerchief
forgetful; lightheaded; unmindful; oblivious
lightheadedness; forgetfulness
overhead; top; upper; overadj.
measure; notch; head; stage; degree; extent; rate
boss; superior; boss cocky; principal; head; exec
headdress; hair-do; hairdo; hairstyle; clip
matter-of-fact; hard-headed; realistic; realist
quickly; agily; swift; swiftly; speedily; headlong
hair; head of hair
collected; level-headed; sober; composed; sedate
to the end that; it never entered my head that; asconj.
forehead; brows; brow; front
director; head; boss; warden; principal; provost
sensible; sane; sober; moderate; hard-headed
chapeau; headgear; hat
ventricle; closet; cubbyhole; subdivision; header
kerchief; head scarf; shawl
hard-headed; stubborn; intractable; perverse
dour; stubborn; refractory; bull-headed; stiff
hastily; precipitately; hand over head; heedlessly
cold in the head; chill; cold
head cold; rheum; snuffles; cold in the head; cold
top; head; summit; vertex; vertices; spire; ridge
abrasive; snappy; zippy; pushing; pushy; go-ahead
police station; police headquarters; guardroom
head; heading
speed; pace; head; bat; rapidity; rapidness; rate
full-blood; fiery; passionate; hot; heady; fierce
absentminded; abstracted; inattentive; lightheaded
lightheadedness; star-gazing; absence of mind
headliner; star; ace; leading lady
head; domain
theme; item; theorem; lot; heading; setting
theme; item; theorem; lot; heading; setting
theme; item; theorem; lot; heading; setting
head; apex; apices; pitch; vertex; vertices; acme
featherbrain; empty-headed; rattlebrained; vacuous
boldly; recklessly; blindfold; headfirst
contractor; entrepreneur; go-ahead
thunder-cloud; thunderhead; stormcloud
impetuous; rampageous; unmanageable; bull-headed
shower head
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