September 27th, 2024 AAAA
Fri 27 September 2024
Warszawa (PL)
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22 23 21 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Praha (CZ)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
23 22 22 16 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Bratislava (SK)
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20 23 20 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Budapest (HU)
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22 24 27 19 17


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Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

place; stagnancy; station; placement; stance; post
to corset; to thread; to lace; to slip inCinemat.
shoestring; lace; shoelace
striate; stripy; striated; brindled; lacedadj.
to place; to stow; to install; to seat; to fix up
home; place; house; housing
place; stead; room; space; location; berth; site
to replace; to supersede; to substitute
to repose; to place; to set; set; to put; put
setting; putting; place
locality; place
habitation; living quarters; dwelling; place; shop
home; place of residence; residency
show-place; showpiece; sight
to unhitch; to lace
ambuscade; lurking-place; ambush; to peek
shop; workplace; forebreast
complacence; serenity; calmness; stillness; whist
in doors; at home; place; hearth; homen.
in doors; at home; place; hearth; homeadv.
smug; self-righteous; self-sufficient; complacent
marketplace; staple; mop fair; vent; market
mart; marketplace
bottomless pit; pit; shades; hell; place below
replacement; admixture; renewal; annex; supplement
irreplaceable; irreparable
estate; grade; station; rank; rate; place; ranking
to order; to place an order; to destine
to order; to place an order; to destineMed.
lushy; pickled; laced; blind; to be way-out; drunkadj.
sepulcher; last resting-place; long home; to wailn.
sepulcher; last resting-place; long home; to wail
rupture; breach; break; laceration
rupture; breach; break; lacerationSport.
colourful; colorful; vivid; laced; picturesque
helpful; complacent; accommodating; complaisant
gray; drab; dusty; grey; dingy; flat; commonplace
variegated; mottled; gaudy; laced; fancy; pied
place; field; range; scope; stretch; ground; space
place; field; range; scope; stretch; ground; space
place; field; range; scope; stretch; ground; space
place; cover; place setting
to go places
to come off; to go off; to take place
cheer; comfort; consolation; solace; balm
comfort; consolation; salve; cheer; solace
re-entry; replacement; return
line; gimp; flex; cordon; braid; lace; string
to braid; to lace
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