October 19th, 2024 AAAA
Sat 19 October 2024
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Sat 19 October 2024
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Sat 19 October 2024
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Sat 19 October 2024
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Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

to cease; to stop; to leave off; to lay by; to can
clay; loam
counterpane; bedspread; overlay; coverlet
to present; to demonstrate; to exhibit; to display
exhibitor; exhibition; display; exhibitory
to play hide-and-seek
charm; lay; air; song
dramatist; playwright
to send off; to turn away; to lay off; to turn off
to send off; to turn away; to lay off; to turn off
to play; to interpret; to profess; to unfold
to couch; to lie; lay; lain; to take a nap
lay; locality; site; lie; range; location; run
lay; locality; site; lie; range; location; runGeogr.
to play tag
guitar player
guitar player
slayer; homicidal; cutthroat; carnal; murderous
stance; bearing; juncture; lie; state; status; lay
to lie; lay; lain
to lie; lay; lain
playpen; pen
backlash; quiz; slack; game; play; sport; acting
scrub; wanton; man; men; playful; player; gambler
scrub; wanton; man; men; playful; player; gambler
to personate; to sport; to fiddle; to play; to act
crawler; playsuit; jumper
recreation area; playground
to be in a game of cards; to play cards
flinty; warm; to play hardball; firm; horny; sharp
overwrought; deadbeat; played out; tired; worn-out
exhibition; display window; exhibition case
bricklayer; mason
to play with ball; to play ball
to sit tight; to play dead; to play possum
to lay low; to play possum; to play dead; to skulk
to delay; to ease up; to slack; to ease; to slow
to lay off; to run down; to stall; to quit
to play back
record player; stereo; turntable
salvage; overbid; flag-flaying; rescue; recovery
to play wag; to play the wag; to bolt
to be at work; to pan; to play; to operate; to act
shrewd; elfish; elfin; arch; mischievous; playful
radio play
to finesse; to play foxy; to fox; to dodge
deposit; layer; band; strata; coat; seam; bed
chess player
to play chess
idler; drone; slug; sluggard; lounger; layaboutn.
skinner; flayer
set-up; rig; contraption; structure; layout; gear
theatre-goer; theatergoer; theater-goer; playgoer
recreation; relaxation; play; pleasure; sport
to heel; to shake a foot; to play; to shake a hoof
to lay down; to process; to conserve; to can
to bowl; to play bowls
laying; introduction; colonization; settling
to play a game of tennis; to play tennis
draft; scheme; project; layout; design; plan
to set; set; to lay; laid; to refer; to put in
to relay; to pass on; to forward; to send on
flay-flint; kite; screw
to play a stroke; to batter; to pound; to kill
to change; to relay; to exchange
to change; to relay; to exchange
spell; relay; change; turnout; relief; turn
relay race
to be at a stand; to lie; lay; lain; to lie to
jovial; gay; felicitous; playful; chirpy; joyous
mortal clay; torso; soma; frame; body; shell; hull
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