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Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

sullen; surly; austere; crabby; disgruntled; cold
striate; stripy; striated; brindled; lacedadj.
to be appalled
sensible; knowing; knowledgeable; apprehensive
sensible; knowing; knowledgeable; apprehensive
filmy; veiled
blurry; flawy; freckled; blobby; spotty; splodgy
unperturbed; untroubled; unmolested
testy; nettled; irate; rough; indignant; cross
equivocal; undecided; undetermined; unsettled
resolution; assurance; faith; pledge; engagement
idea; knowledge; learning; cognition
in one's cups; pickled; tipsy; vinous; boiled
hairless; peeled; bare; callow; twink; bald
soft-boiled eggs; half-boiled egg
uninhabited; unpeopled; desert; untenanted; bleak
clam; sodden; draggled; sloppy
high heels; high-heeled shoes; high heel shoes
to boggle; to be appalled; to take a fright
to fill; to be being filled; to become full
to flee; fled; to be on the run; to run for
sunny; fatigue man; unfledgedadj.
gammy; disabled; game; lame; handicapped; cripplen.
gammy; disabled; game; lame; handicapped; crippleadj.
quiet; untroubled; to be at ease; calm; quiescent
to acquit; to receipt; to acknowledge
to feel like a boiled rag; as black as my hat; as
old hat; obsolete; crippled with age; antiquated
grizzled; hoary; autumn; white; hoar; fall
grizzled; hoary; autumn; white; hoar; falladj.
sodden; boiled; braised
speckled; spotty; pied; dappled; freckled; mottled
ledge; shelf; shelves; whatnot; bracket
omelet; omelette; scrambled eggs
lushy; pickled; laced; blind; to be way-out; drunkadj.
circumstantial; detailed; particular
beveled; thwart; bevelled; oblique; inclined; skew
decrepit; crippled; cripple; invalid
ragged; pelting; paltry; scrubby; shabby; frazzled
factory hand; hand; unskilled labour
glassy; calm; sleek; clean; soft; untroubled; flat
ledger; tomb; gravestone; tombstone
pickled; salt; savory; saline; in salt; briny
to aggravate; to swell; swelled; swollen
specialized knowledge; expertise
confine; shelf; shelves; ledge; breeze; margin
to distill; to weep; wept; to bleed; bled; to leak
boxy; square; angular; bony; angled
unseasoned; freshwater; unfledged; verdant; callow
variegated; mottled; gaudy; laced; fancy; pied
crooked; foul; unfair; unprincipled; twisty
concealed; undercover; covert; privy
knowledge; attainments; acquaintance; learning
thirst for knowledge
cognizance; notice; knowledge
so-called; ycleped; self-styled; yclept
to lead; led; to bear sway; to sway; to rule
to bleed; bled; to empty; to unload; to stool
variable; impermanent; unsettled; mobile; liquid
to bleed; bled
to pilot; to transmit; to lead on; to lead; led
to pilot; to transmit; to lead on; to lead; led
to pilot; to transmit; to lead on; to lead; led
to bleed; bled; to dehydrate; to dewater
ruled; linear
hardpressed; hard-pressed; troubled; harassed
forfeit; token; pop; earnest; escrow; pawn; pledge
tousled; deranged; rooky; inordinate; blowzy
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