September 28th, 2024 AAAA
Sat 28 September 2024
Warszawa (PL)
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue
21 19 15 16 12
Sat 28 September 2024
Praha (CZ)
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue
22 16 15 16 18
Sat 28 September 2024
Bratislava (SK)
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue
20 18 15 16 17
Sat 28 September 2024
Budapest (HU)
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue
27 19 17 16 17


Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

judge; adjudicator; magistrate; referee; umpire
judge; adjudicator; magistrate; referee; umpire
bug; beetle; whim; whimsy; maggot
coaching; scrimmage; training; practice
image; notion; cast; visualization; theory; idea
to topsy-turvy; to subvert; to muck; to rummage
like; image; alter ego; double; facsimile
illustration; drawing; snap; image; photograph
postcard; picture postcard; magazine; mag
effigy; likeness; double; portrait; image
fancy; imagination; fantasy
maggot; mite; worm; weenie
book; magazine
magnifying glass
magisterial; teacher; instructor; tutor; trainer
disinterested; unselfish; magnanimous; selfless
sumptuously; magnificently; opulently
parade; grandeur; pomp; magnificence; state; show
erratic; moody; maggoty; whimsical; wanton; kinky
monument; statue; image
schema; schemata; image; metaphor
to fumble; to delve; to root; to rummage
fumbling; rummage
reflection; shadow; image
charm; hex; medicine; magic; witchcraft; spell
magic; charmed; magical; enchanting
conjurer; wizard; sorcerer; magician; pow-wow
conjurer; wizard; sorcerer; magician; pow-wow
set-to; fight; scrap; fray; brawl; scrimmage
loss; wastage; blue; disadvantage; deficit; damage
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