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International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

to stand about; to cool one's heels; to loiter
posh; small change; coppers; broken money; change
proportionate; well-proportioned; proportional
to change; to change one's clothes
cocoon; marionette; tool; marionett; puppet; dummy
cocoon; marionette; tool; marionett; puppet; dummy
pained; woebegone; sorrowful; rueful; trist
note; money; folding money; bank note; soft money
barytone; baritone
to adapt oneself to; to suit; to fit in
stuck-up; to think too much of oneself; cocky
to send in one's name; to enter; to enter for
to closet oneself; to bolt oneself in
thigh bone; femur
simply; nothing short of; only; but; alone; just
to do; did; done; to take action; to act
to money out; to remunerate
precious stone; gem
one; number one; single; a
on one's pat; single-handed; singly; solely; alone
on one's pat; single-handed; singly; solely; alone
respectively; one by one; apiece; singly
one another
nude; one-sided; one-eyed; unilateral
oneness; whole; unit; unity; point
oneness; whole; unit; unity; point
on one occasion
slap; together; all at once; at one go
to merchandise; to vend; to turn into money
to go home to one's woods; to hide; hid; hidden
prejudiced; self-conscious; one-sided; partial
lone; neglected; solitary; friendless; forlorn
lone; neglected; solitary; friendless; forlorn
loneliness; neglect; desolation
prisoner; yardbird; convict
prisoner; yardbird; convict
to hold aloof; to keep aloof; to immure oneself
man; men; mortal; walla; soul; body; bleeder; one
gallstone; stone
of value; to be worth money; to be of value; prize
to guzzle; to engorge; to stuff oneself; walln.
gruelling; grueling; warm; wearisome; onerous
headset; headphones
to get on one's feet; to upend; to get up; to up
to run; ran; run; to come undone; to split up
semi-precious stone
to discover; to pioneer; to observe; to unearth
intangible; beyond one's depth; uncomprehending
to tone up; to refresh oneself; to freshen
to get dressed; to put on one's clothes
demander; demandant; suitor; petitioner; orator
demander; demandant; suitor; petitioner; orator
superlative; to be second to none; unsurpassable
to splurge; to give oneself airs; to open up
to menace; to lour; to show one's teeth; to threat
to comb one's hair
to dip into one's purse; to contribute; to pay
wealth; copiousness; riches; money; opulence
to bolt down; to wolf one's food
way you feel; moral; tone; mood; humour; feel; cue
trump; trombone
to bum; to lounge; to laze; to drone; to slug
bad; erroneous; wrong; malfunctioning; peccant
wave zone; band; waveband
to exhort; to waft; to wave one's hand; to motion
in one's cups; pickled; tipsy; vinous; boiled
iodine; iodone
metal; tone; temperament; spirit; humour; humor
made; hand-me-down; he's dead and done for; ready
dry money; cash; ready money; blunt; hard cash
to unbutton; to undo; undid; undone
to unclasp; to undo; undid; undone; to unlock
rock; stone
publisher; stationer
prone; rise; descent; lean; upgrade; grade; runoff
to step; honeycomb; spleen
to take one's ease; to loll about; to laze; to bum
nucleus; nuclei; stone; heart; pip; seed; core
selves; oneself; self; selves
selves; oneself; self; selves
beside oneself
other one; other
trustworthy; to be as good as one's word; reliable
assign; emissary; proxy; deputy; commissioner
to lose one's goat; to get sore
commissioner; delegate; trustee; proxy; accredited
to make; made; to perform; to do; did; done
to make; made; to perform; to do; did; done
honey-bee; bee; womb; uterus
to put sg to one side; to omit; to shelve; to skip
to exempt; to exonerate; to frank; to free
just the same; it's all one; it's all the same
each and every; all whom I saw; everyone; each
so much as; his one thought is; double as long asconj.
last; bygone; pastn.
Too many results. Try to be more specific!
© 2006–2023, International Visegrad Fund.
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