September 27th, 2024 AAAA
Fri 27 September 2024
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Fri 27 September 2024
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Fri 27 September 2024
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Fri 27 September 2024
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Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

counterpane; bedspread; overlay; coverlet
pants; undershorts; underpants; shorts
occupant; lessee; renter; lodger
occupant; lessee; renter; lodger
commission; delegation; panel; committee; board
pants; panties
chimp; chimpanzee
reptilian; sycophantic; reptile; abject; spaniel
to be at work; to pant; to ply; to labour; to work
to get inside sy's pants; to seduce; to defile
discrepancy; contradiction; paradox; conflict
suffering; dolour; soreness; distress; gip; pang
boss; top dog; panjandrum; big pot; big bugn.
to refer; to slew; to spin; span; spun; to turn
to refer; to slew; to spin; span; spun; to turn
adjustable spanner; monkey wrench; wrench
ready; expenditious; rapid; facile; rash; spanking
dent; buckle; bruise; pan; indenture; bash; dint
to twit; to pan; to ridicule; to flout; to jibe
to squire; to chaperon; to attend; to accompany
accompaniment; train; escort; entourage; retinue
range; ambit; expansion; scope; coverage; expanse
brainpan; skull; pate; cranium; crania
beating; repulse; set-back; kick in the pants
discrepancy; otherness; antithesis; antitheses
occupant; denizen; inmate; tenant; inhabitant
team; rank and file; company; crew; ranks
eager; ardent; keen; rapturous; zealous; expansive
to bathe; to pan; to jig; to wash; to degrease
to be at work; to pan; to play; to operate; to act
panel; instrument board; dashboard; control panel
trousers; pair of trousers; nether garments; pants
hearty; solid; outright; expansive; point-blank
griddlecake; hotcake; pancake
to simmer; to steam; to distill; to distil; to pan
to pant
expansion; tympanites; tympanitis; tympany
participant; piteous
participant; piteousadj.
participant; piteous
incorporated company; joint-stock company
alarm; fright; panic
rapid; spanking; sweeping; fast; speedy; swift
rapid; spanking; sweeping; fast; speedy; swift
trough; stewing-pan; stew-pan; pan; skillet; tray
to manage; to come off; to pan; to pan out
to twist; to plait; to spin; span; spun; wake
Spaniard; Hispanic
Spaniard; Hispanicadj.
Spaniard; Hispanic
hanky-panky; abuse; flannel; legerdemain
table; pane; slab; panel; pane of glass; land
panel painting
mate; associate; companion; fellow; beaupere
companionship; co.; fellowship; nest; band; tribe
brotherhood; company; association
voluminous; spacious; ample; expansive; big; large
diffuse; expansive; wordy; exuberant; large
to expand; to spread; spread
as flat as a pancake
prevailing; monarch; rampant; predominant; rulern.
prevailing; monarch; rampant; predominant; ruleradj.
guidebook; traveller's companion
timpano; timpani
feral; rampant; rabid; ferocious; gothic; savagen.
feral; rampant; rabid; ferocious; gothic; savageadj.
to eventuate; to end; to close; to pan out
to pant; to heave; to heave; hove; to gasp
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