September 27th, 2024 AAAA
Fri 27 September 2024
Warszawa (PL)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 23 21 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Praha (CZ)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
23 22 22 16 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Bratislava (SK)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
20 23 20 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Budapest (HU)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 24 27 19 17


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Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

queen; mother; parent
sire; father; parent; pater
pole; spar; mast; rig
par; rate
equipment; fitment; apparatus; tackle; setting-up
apartment house; block of flats; land
talking; parlance; spoken word; blurb; speech
clear; particular; certain; some; sure; definite
clear; particular; certain; some; sure; definite
as you were!; pardon; forgivenessn.
leave; parting; farewell; send-off; saint's-day
family; house; folks; people; parentage
sparkle; flare; glitter; glint; twinkle; glisten
wart; kink; nodule; snarl; nugget; parcel; bed
ornament; honor; parade; state; trimming; gaiety
to fire; to parch; to burn; to calcinate
spiritual; parochial; ecclesiastical
chute; parachute
prejudiced; self-conscious; one-sided; partial
foe; adversary; antagonist; enemy; adverse party
discrepancy; contradiction; paradox; conflict
sponger; wog; sucker; infestant; parasiten.
sponger; wog; sucker; infestant; parasiteadj.
separation; secretion; severance; disassociation
origin; parent; stock; derivation; provenance
to chip; to pare; to carve; to trim; to sculpture
to prepare; to work off; to write up; to process
superfluous; unnecessary; redundant; over; spare
seethe; spring; parent; well; fount; fermentation
in particular; chiefly; largely; mostly; mainly
free; sovereign; maverick; separate; substantive
independence; detachment; separateness
beam; lumber; tree; joist; spar; spile; balk
to pare; to trim; to plough; to plane
diamond; sparkler
candle; spark plug
gear; personal effects; paraphernalia; effectsn.
attachment; requisite; paraphernalia; fixture
house of representatives; house of parliament
glove compartment
governing party
ministry for foreign affairs; state department
discernible; conspicuous; visible; apparent
to disparage; to underrate; to detract; to despise
clerical; clerk; minister; divine; pastor; parson
to let off; to remit; to excuse; to pardon
unpardonable; inexcusable; unforgivable
to clip; to pare; to fleece
bureau; bureaux; department
on this particular occasion; at present; presently
beach umbrella; parasol
diurnal; living room; sitting room; parlor
bridal party; wedding guests
to want; to miss; to spare; to be in necessity
motive; parent; cause; score; reason; occasion
diet; parliament
form; category; rate; department; remove; rank
to buffet; to cuff; to pummel; to sparSport.
separate; self-sufficing; several; self-supporting
pristine; old man; forbear; sire; ancestor; parent
parentage; antecedents; ancestry
to match; to compare; to contrast; to liken
clerk; minister; clerk in holy orders; parson
tomato; love-apple; heaven; paradise
parallelism; parallel
parallel; collateral
to park
side; party; faction
fair; evenhanded; just; even-handed; impartial
snappy; sparkling; snappish
to parch
paraffine; paraffin; kerosene
paraffine lamp
champagne; fizz; sparkling; fizzy; bubbly; lathery
parade; grandeur; pomp; magnificence; state; show
ersatz; accessory; spare; mock; auxiliary; aux
spare tyre; spare wheel; spare
irreplaceable; irreparable
vilifier; disparager; maligner; vituperativeadj.
to blaze; to glitter; to spark; to beacon; to beam
lump; parcel; heap; clump; charging; pile; pack
partway; partly
snack; share; participation; cut; sharing
to partake; partook; partaken
circumstantial; detailed; particular
to paraphrase; to itemize; to detail; to specify
participant; piteous
participant; piteousadj.
participant; piteous
Too many results. Try to be more specific!
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