September 28th, 2024 AAAA
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Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

adumbration; cloud; cast shadow; shade; umbrage
girlfriend; drag
to hearten; to nerve; to buoy up; to encourage
gruesome; desperate; outrageous; awful; scary
felony; offense; outrage; transgression; guilt
rage; fashion; go; style; mode; craze
scraggly; insensible; uncouth; offensive; stogy
scraggly; insensible; uncouth; offensive; stogy
passion; fury; rage; bate; anger
outrage; violation; violence; dint; compulsion
appliance; utensil; contrivance; resort; leverage
functional; pragmatic; practical; pragmatical
tenuousness; debility; flimsiness; fragility
leverage; might; power; lever; authority; swayPol.
quencher; potion; beverage; snifter; drink; booze
accompaniment; train; escort; entourage; retinue
range; ambit; expansion; scope; coverage; expanse
middling; moderate; medium; middle-class; averagen.
coverage; commentary; interposure; interposition
to disparage; to underrate; to detract; to despise
storage closet; glory-hole; closet
clam; sodden; draggled; sloppy
staggering; tragic
to outrage; to harm; to hurt; hurt; to affront
to outrage; to harm; to hurt; hurt; to affront
to outrage; to harm; to hurt; hurt; to affront
attempt; assassination; outrage
loose; inordinate; excessive; outrageous
troublesome; unmannerly; ineducable; dragged up
frock; drag
crag; stud; neck; barrel; collar; scrag; tang; nab
to feel like a boiled rag; as black as my hat; as
vilifier; disparager; maligner; vituperativeadj.
storage; depot; stockpile; dump; repository; yard
to tousle; to jolt; to tug; to twitch; to drag
diaphragm; obturator muscle; midriff
straggling; thin; tenuous; infrequent; sparse
tatter; piece of linen; rag; snotty; clout; shred
ragged; pelting; paltry; scrubby; shabby; frazzled
to censure; to frown; to discourage; to dislike
crabbing; fastening; anchorage; setting; fixation
vituperative; offensive; outrageous; offending
trash; rabble; dregs; sweepings; scum; ragtag
twine; forward splits; forward split; asparagus
raggedy-ass; sleazo; raunchy; sleazy
voice; poll; suffrage
disparagement; shame; disrepute; ignominy
inordinate; eccentric; straggling; luxuriant
strewn; diffuse; straggling; disorganised
cliff; rock; crag
rocky; craggy
adder-fly; dragonfly; flying adder
crag; scrag; scruff; nape
size; range; coverage; bulk; quantity; reach
to rampage about; to rampage; to rage; to ramp
snatch; snippet; fragment; splintering; scrap
fragmentary; fractional
tragedy; tragic; tragic drama
fatally; tragically
tidings; story; advertising; coverage; report
suffrage; elective franchise; franchise
to mog; to trudge; to barge along; to drag
dragged up
fateful; tragical; fatal; mortal; tragic; fated
meagre; peaky; lean; scrawny; puny; scraggy
to lug; to draw; drew; drawn; to drag
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