September 27th, 2024 AAAA
Fri 27 September 2024
Warszawa (PL)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 23 21 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Praha (CZ)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
23 22 22 16 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Bratislava (SK)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
20 23 20 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Budapest (HU)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 24 27 19 17


Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

duty; tribute; tax; dues; transmitting
transmitter; transmitting station
gift; grant; bounty; boon; offertory; benefaction
perch; sprig; snub; arm; branch; shroud
stray; extemporal; ad hoc; casual; extemporaneous
alcoholism; intemperance
rancher; stock-breeder; stockman; stockmenn.
rancher; stock-breeder; stockman; stockmenadj.
surrender; delivery; presentation; deliverance
to transfer; to change
to transfer; to change
transfer; change
transmission; transposal; transcription
to go for a roam; to rove; to spatiate; to range
mouth; entrance; portal; entry; inlet; door; port
bingo; brandy
to peep out; to spring; sprang; sprung
felony; offense; outrage; transgression; guilt
transgressor; ungodly; culprit; rep; peccantadj.
stenchy; rank; nosy; putrid; putrescent
to ring the bell; to ring; rang; rung; to clang
escapade; freak; monkeyshine; prank; rig; caper
garner; lathe; granary
crane; hoist
crane; hoist
burn; ignition; flagrancy
afire; alight; burner; bulb; consumable; flagrant
afire; alight; burner; bulb; consumable; flagrant
killing; entrancing; glamorous; ravishing
to pass; to take for granted; to receive; to adopt
to arrange; to adjust; to despatch; to conclude
adjustment; dispatch; arrangement; fixing; setting
to transport; to swoop; to entrance; to carry away
separation; secretion; severance; disassociation
monument; reminiscence; recollection; remembrance
remembrance; recollection; reminiscion
violent; randy; bounder; bullying; overbearing
mess; eating; scran; fare; meal; jock; meat; dub
restaurant; victualling-house
lay; locality; site; lie; range; location; run
lay; locality; site; lie; range; location; runGeogr.
to run; ran; run; to come undone; to split up
warrant; authorization; authority; mandate
rendition; trans; rendering; turning; translation
oddity; strangeness; weirdness; peculiarity; freak
carriage; drayage; transportation; cartage
exuberant; well-to-do; affluent; rich; crummy; fat
trained; practiced; practised; skillful; veteran
odious; rank; loathsome; hateful; hateable
smashing; powerful; gigantesque; grandiose; huge
deliverance; regulation; order; resolve
unwarrantable; unfair; incorrect; improper; wrong
unwarrantable; unfair; incorrect; improper; wrong
slack; leak; airspace; clearance; interstice; gap
pectoral; flagrant; heat; warmth; earnestn.
cryogenic; fridge; refrigerantn.
resolution; assurance; faith; pledge; engagement
to launch; to start; to actuate; to crank up
to motivate; to explain; to justify; to warrant
to drink; drank; drunk; to cup; to carouse
verdict; visitation; adjudication; deliverance
to camber; to spring; sprang; sprung
to work; route; to run; ran; run; line; running
unwarrantable; unwarranted; illegitimate; wrongful
warranty; indemnity; bail; assurance; warrant
to corner; to crank; to wheel; to take a corner
division; territory; circle; periphery; range
division; territory; circle; periphery; rangeMath.
to concoct; to spring; sprang; sprung; to tailor
entrant; inceptive; inchoative; incipient; cherryn.
sale; clearance; bargain sale
range; ambit; expansion; scope; coverage; expanse
brandy; French brandy; cognac; bingo
brainpan; skull; pate; cranium; crania
range; scope; round; cycle; circuit; circle; ring
precinct; section; sector; circuit; circle; range
traffic; service; transport
to range in; to lodge; to live; to house; to abide
to transact
liquidation; transaction
team; rank and file; company; crew; ranks
grandstand; spectators' terrace; stand; scaffold
to stir; to harangue; to uplift; to buck sy up
make; mark; brand
to admit; to have; had; to allow of; to grant
to exempt; to exonerate; to frank; to free
to grade; to rank; to label; to qualify
fleeting; fugitive; transient; fugacious; caducous
big; grand; burly; power; massive; great; roomy
Too many results. Try to be more specific!
© 2006–2023, International Visegrad Fund.
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