September 27th, 2024 AAAA
Fri 27 September 2024
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Fri 27 September 2024
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Fri 27 September 2024
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Fri 27 September 2024
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Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

figure; graph; graphic; picture; illustration
album; scrap-book
to rap; to talk; to rabbit; to converse; to chat
gossiping; talking; converse; rap; talk; chat
to buffet; to wrestle; to grapple; to tussle
trap; pit; pitfall; net; gin; ambuscade; catch
scuttle; trapdoor; drop; trap
rapport; accord; understanding; unity; accordance
memoir; biography
to hold back; to wrap; to suppress; to keep from
to be `it`; to be it; grapple; holder; forceps; it
to be `it`; to be it; grapple; holder; forceps; it
curtain; veil; drapes; arras; hangings
curtain; veil; drapes; arras; hangings
graphics; graphic; art work
graphic artist; graphic
therapy; medication
ready; expenditious; rapid; facile; rash; spanking
crack; cracker; story; untruth; mendacity; crap
to commit an error; to crap out; to err; to fault
gear; personal effects; paraphernalia; effectsn.
grapple; grab; grappling-iron; anchor; grapnel
scratch; scrape; chafing; scoring; score; nick
attachment; requisite; paraphernalia; fixture
illustration; drawing; snap; image; photograph
fine arts; graphic arts
choreograph; choreographer
to abrade; to scale; to scrape; to rub off
eager; ardent; keen; rapturous; zealous; expansive
typographic; typographical
to disguise; to wrap; to cover; to extenuate
adhesive bandage; strap; sticking plaster
to tuck; to corrugate; to drape; to pucker
hype; boost; commercial; advertisement; claptrap
to correct; to rebuke; to rap; to call to order
to paraphrase; to itemize; to detail; to specify
erratum; errata; typographical error; typo
rapid; spanking; sweeping; fast; speedy; swift
rapid; spanking; sweeping; fast; speedy; swift
speed; pace; head; bat; rapidity; rapidness; rate
waste; waste matter; scrap; reject; refuse; shorts
to multiply; to mimeograph; to manifold
drop; vampire; trapdoor; sink; vampire-trap
dispatch; telegraph message; cable; despatch
to telegraph
lips; lip; muzzle; gullet; mouth; rattletrap; muss
set-up; rig; contraption; structure; layout; gear
grape; grapes; vine
pitch; yack-yack; yackety-yak; text; spiel; rap
vintage; grape harvest
to pick grapes
memoir; monograph; monography; treatise; study
talk; discourse; rap
cable; telegraph message; wire; dispatch; telegram
perspective; long-range; scenographical
telescopic lens; telephotographic lens
voracious; insatiable; rapacious
atlas; chart; map; cartograph
crappy; sleazy; lousy; sleazo
snatch; snippet; fragment; splintering; scrap
bawdy; dirty; pornographic; scurrilous; smutty
lean; claptrap; expressionless; exhausted; inane
scrape; scraping; rasping; grooming; scratch
set-to; fight; scrap; fray; brawl; scrimmage
to bop; to combat; to brawl; to scrap; to scuffle
to scrum; to scuffle; to tussle; to grapple
to repress; to entrap; to pull; to stay; to pocket
© 2006–2023, International Visegrad Fund.
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