September 27th, 2024 AAAA
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Fri 27 September 2024
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Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

to plot; to illustrate; to picture; to typify
to plot; to illustrate; to picture; to typify
fierce; desperate; grim; furious
footing; substrate; fund; bedrock; bottom; base
pricker; price; torrent; rate; puncheon; cost
pricker; price; torrent; rate; puncheon; cost
proportion; ratio; rate; relation; scale
par; rate
rate of exchange; exchange; exchange rate
to affiliate; to chum; to fraternize
to present; to demonstrate; to exhibit; to display
judge; adjudicator; magistrate; referee; umpire
judge; adjudicator; magistrate; referee; umpire
complex; inextricable; tricky; elaborate; thorny
gruesome; desperate; outrageous; awful; scary
to crackle; to grit; to crunch; to grate; to bur
to money out; to remunerate
to invigorate; to animate; to quicken; to vivify
to degenerate; to deteriorate
to project; to fancy; to adumbrate
to cinder; to cremate; to incinerate
desperate; bitter; acrimonious; grim; embittered
to get exasperated
so much; so; that rate; that; this rate
to stand; stood; good; effectual; to operate
to refrigerate; to set; set; to congeal; to chill
to cultivate; to ameliorate; to give forth
to dedicate; to inaugurate
to pick up strength; to convalesce; to recuperate
to limn; to stain; to dip; to paint; to decorate
measure; notch; head; stage; degree; extent; rate
free; sovereign; maverick; separate; substantive
independence; detachment; separateness
to speed; sped; to speed; to accelerate
thankful; grateful; indebted
irksome; ungrateful; barren; ingrate; thankless
to cog; to adulterate; to fake; to doctor; to cook
testy; nettled; irate; rough; indignant; cross
to take; took; taken; to strike home; to operate
of legal force; to operate; operative
emphatically; deliberately; resolutely; firmly
to endorse; to indorse; to co-operate; to assist
to recap; to iterate; to reiterate; to repeat
to ameliorate; to amend; to mend; to put in repair
sensible; sane; sober; moderate; hard-headed
to recompense; to requite; to remunerate
pirate; buccaneer; raider; rover; water thief
to decorate; to favor; to dignify; to favour
bastard; misbegotten; degenerate; hybrid; mongrel
to spit; to expectorate; to gob; to spit; spit
middling; moderate; medium; middle-class; averagen.
mutual; collective; joint; corporate; public
moderate; poky; leisurely; deliberate; slow; pokey
to disparage; to underrate; to detract; to despise
at any rate; at least; at the lowest estimate; but
to chill; to cool; to refrigerate; to quench
to tax; to rate
to deliberate; to think of
to be frustrated; to turn out crabs; to fail
to mend; to amend; to improve; to ameliorate
to exempt; to exonerate; to frank; to free
reasonable; restrained; philosophical; temperate
extent; standard; rate; test; measure; mark; gauge
at all events; at any rate; in any case; anyway
to be at work; to pan; to play; to operate; to act
unframed; barbaric; savage; barbarous; illiterate
form; category; rate; department; remove; rank
mark; grade; rate
separate; self-sufficing; several; self-supporting
to jumble; to incorporate; to mingle-mangle
to steam; to vaporize; to ooze; to evaporate
correct; punctual; accurate; nice; close; near
accurately; dead on; right; just; duly; fine; true
grill; grate; rail; grating; bars; lattice; screen
estate; grade; station; rank; rate; place; ranking
intemperate; sot; boozy
to grate; to rasp; to file
rasp; shredder; grater; filen.
incorporated company; joint-stock company
to decay; to fall off; to deteriorate; to decline
to relapse; to worsen; to deteriorate
to regret; to deplore; to lament; to commiserate
speed; pace; head; bat; rapidity; rapidness; rate
to neutralize; to frustrate; to kill; to negative
businesslike; accurate; strict; nice; exact
train; to deplore; to intend; to commiserate; drayn.
train; to deplore; to intend; to commiserate; dray
purposive; wilful; deliberate; voluntary; willful
to air; to desiccate; to dehydrate; to parch
extreme; fantastic; inordinate; exaggerated
to exemplify; to demonstrate
to break up; to disintegrate; to fall apart
bench; horizon; level; rate; plane; story; mark
to co-operate; to coalesce; to confederate
confederate; federate; auxiliary; combiner; allyn.
confederate; federate; auxiliary; combiner; allyadj.
federal; federate
to deliberate; to be in council; to commune
untutored; illiterate
Too many results. Try to be more specific!
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