September 28th, 2024 AAAA
Sat 28 September 2024
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23 21 19 15 16
Sat 28 September 2024
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22 22 16 15 16
Sat 28 September 2024
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23 20 18 15 15
Sat 28 September 2024
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24 27 19 17 16


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International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

certified mail; registered letter
gold; yellow metal; royal metal; red gold
credit; faith; honor; honour
confidence; trustfulness; trist; reliance; credit
certainly; assuredly; sure
red; bronze
portico; covered market; hall; coliseum
to fall off; to reduce; to attenuate; to drop
ugly; disfigured
redundant; pompous; luscious; stilted; flatulent
desperate; bitter; acrimonious; grim; embittered
style; -natured; shape; stock; description; breed
exhaust; fatigue; used; deadbeat; tired; heavy
lassitude; weariness; languidity; tiredness
surplus; balance in hand; redundancy; redundance
superfluous; unnecessary; redundant; over; spare
traditional; conventional; time-honored; academic
hot-tempered; boisterous; keen; warm; vehement
gullible; quick of belief; credulous; green
tick; credit; trust; supplies; credence
credit card
to the end that; it never entered my head that; asconj.
redcap; porter
decent; proper; mannered; comely; decorous; demure
charitable; good-natured
jovial; convivial; mellow; good-natured
reduction; allowance; preference
leisured; nonchalant; comfortable; comfy; handy
to cross; to traverse; to interbreed; interbred
to miscredit; to doubt
overwrought; deadbeat; played out; tired; worn-out
to fever; fevered; feverish; to be in a fever
hampered respiration
allowance; reduction; deductionMath.
impulsive; quick-tempered; warm; short; impetuous
commissioner; delegate; trustee; proxy; accredited
mannered; sophisticated; mimic; theatrical; compt
dandified; mannered; namby-pamby; stilted
to raise; to breed; bred; to school; to discipline
to redouble; to extend; to send up; to aggravate
to hedge; birch; to clip; to shear; sheared; shorn
to produce; to breed; bred; to give; gave; given
egocentric; egotist; assertive; self-centered
hereditary; everlasting; eternal; perpetual; heir
hereditary; everlasting; eternal; perpetual; heiradj.
hereditary; everlasting; eternal; perpetual; heir
legacy; heritage; heredity
pepper; red pepper; green pepper; paprika
ruddy; red
red card
robber; predatory; mugger; conquistador; harrier
predator; lupine; predacious; predatory; raveningn.
predator; lupine; predacious; predatory; raveningadj.
puckered; wizened; wizen; withered; weazened
messy; cluttered; tumultuous; unkempt; erratic
registered number; license plate number
rasp; shredder; grater; filen.
favouritism; favoritism; favour; predilection
indomitable; redoubtable; dauntless; dreadnought
analogous; cousin; kindred; kin; relation; akin
analogous; cousin; kindred; kin; relation; akin
relationship; affinity; kindred; kin; cousinhood
ravage; wrecking; depredation; havoc; demolition
tatter; piece of linen; rag; snotty; clout; shred
hideous; ugly; disfigured
splashy; sloppy; mired; dirty; sludgy; slushy
injured; traumatic; casualty
injured; traumatic; casualty
varied; parti-coloured
cup; cast; lot; predestination; fortune; chance
trustworthy; creditable; truthful
verbiage; circumlocution; tautology; redundancy
unnecessary; needless; redundant
untutored; illiterate
ingredient; appurtenance; fixture; appendage
free from all encumbrances; unencumbered
full-blood; thoroughbred; full-blooded
exuberancy; redundance; redundancy; exuberance
idle; indolent; leisured; torpid; inert; vacuous
revered; honoured
plus; redundancy; redundance; surplus; excess
to amortize; to redeem; to sink; sank; sunk
not to know beans; unknowing; opaque; untutoredadj.
ebullient; exuberant; flush; effusive; redundant
fiery red
bland; well-mannered; urbane; obliging; polite
weariness; ennui; boredom; tedium; dullness
to be bored; to mope
prevailing; monarch; rampant; predominant; rulern.
prevailing; monarch; rampant; predominant; ruleradj.
abhorrence; abomination; hatred; distaste; dislike
cadent; cadenced; measured
multifarious; checkered; variegated; diversified
covert; protected; defended; sheltered; snug
Too many results. Try to be more specific!
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