September 27th, 2024 AAAA
Fri 27 September 2024
Warszawa (PL)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 23 21 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Praha (CZ)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
23 22 22 16 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Bratislava (SK)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
20 23 20 19 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Budapest (HU)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
22 24 27 19 17


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Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

cerebrum; cerebra; brain; brains
to pitch; to let fly; to shy; drum; to heave
to pitch; to let fly; to shy; drum; to heave
to peal; to boom; to grumble; to rumble
woodwind instrument
bum; derričre; tail; arse; rump; buttocks
boss; top dog; panjandrum; big pot; big bugn.
to topsy-turvy; to subvert; to muck; to rummage
wind instrument; tooter
exuberant; well-to-do; affluent; rich; crummy; fat
prow; bows; stem; rostrum; rostra
musical instrument; instrument
trump; trombone
tidings; distinction; rumour; oil; word; buzz
to rumor; to rumour; to trumpet; to set afloat
to be on edge; vexed; to feel rum; fazed; het up
to chew; to ruminate; to chew the cud
panel; instrument board; dashboard; control panel
to crumple; to crinkle; to pucker; to shrivel
to harrumph; to natter; to make moan; to complain
to twang; to plonk; to plunk; to thrum
to crumble
wimple; crinkle; crumpling; pucker; pleat; furrow
conundrum; puzzle; riddle; enigma; rebus
ugly; frumpy
hard stuff; rum
sour; dour; acid; frumpish; crabby; eager; acerbic
bald; barren; humdrum; gaunt; dusty; bleak; drear
bald; barren; humdrum; gaunt; dusty; bleak; drear
implement; instrument; tool; utensil
spirit; hard drink; rum; hard liquor
chit-chat; tittle-tattle; hearsay; rumour; report
enigma; riddle; conundrum
bunker; vat; hopper; sink; holder; bin; tank; drum
wintry; winter; brumal
rumination; speculation; pensiveness; cogitation
to fumble; to delve; to root; to rummage
fumbling; rummage
dusty; humdrum; heavy; prosaic; grotty; dry; bald
drummer; mole; broker; goer between; factor; agent
percussion instrument
to scrum; to scuffle; to tussle; to grapple
stringed instrument; bow instrument
instrumentalist; bandsman; bandsmen; minstrel
griping; grouse; repining; discontent; grumbling
to natter; to grumble; to grouch; to moan
vixenly; grumbling; crusty; shrewd; crabby; testy
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