October 20th, 2024 AAAA
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Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

disquieting; worrisome; alarming; distressing
mine; tunnel; sink; shaft; pit; well
boon; mercy; blessing
to lessen; to sink; sank; sunk; to ebb; to wane
to lessen; to sink; sank; sunk; to ebb; to wane
cleansing cream
to sink; sank; sunk; to dig; dug; to spade
commercial house; business house; business; house
high relief; embossment; relief; embossing
one; number one; single; a
single bedroom
on one's pat; single-handed; singly; solely; alone
on one's pat; single-handed; singly; solely; alone
line; sincere; straightaway; direct; right; plain
respectively; one by one; apiece; singly
to sink; sank; sunk; to forsake; forsook; forsaken
retch; surfeit; squeamishness; qualm; queasiness
song; singing; strain
to chirp; to chant; to carol; to sing; sang; sung
processing; assimilation; elaboration
to misread; misread; to get wrong; to misinterpret
to disinfect; to sterilize
tenuousness; debility; flimsiness; fragility
to lead a single life; maid; spinster; fille
house; housing; bivvy
crossing point; border crossing point
effective; telling; potent; impressive; imposing
home; place; house; housing
advertising; ad; insertion; advert; publicity
sincere; true; just; sound; plumb; proper; fast
sincere; true; just; sound; plumb; proper; fastn.
sincere; true; just; sound; plumb; proper; fastadj.
mightily; passing; high; very; mighty; yes; yea
of great promise; promising; hopeful
welcome; glad; comfortable; suave; pleasing; soft
false; insincere; double
false; insincere; double
fabrication; fiction; guessing; coinage; framing
sober-minded; stern; sincere; staid; businesslike
kitchen; cuisine
to dive; to sink; sank; sunk; to dip; to get down
to dive; to sink; sank; sunk; to dip; to get down
hollow; bowl; cove; recess; basin; pelvis; hearth
dumfounding; surprising; astounding; stunning
attempt; assassination; outrage
lavage; degreasing; wash; washing
basin; wash-bowl
baby carrier; carrycot; bassinet
bulbul; warbler; minstrel; singer
bulbul; warbler; minstrel; singer
wondrous; very; thundering; right; pretty; passing
sine; wanting; sans; without
breeding; nurture; training; nursing
to lead a single life; single; celibate
outright; plump; sincerely; genuinely; professedly
cramp; stress; impression; pressing; load; press
cramp; stress; impression; pressing; load; pressSport.
operatic singer
operatic singer
trough; bay; sinus; sinus; gulf
clubhouse; dressing-room; cubiclen.
clubhouse; dressing-room; cubicleadj.
disinterested; unselfish; magnanimous; selfless
unmatched; supreme; unique; superlative; singular
duel; encounter; fray; single combat
bank; busing; sleeve
to calcinate; to roast; to sinter
insistent; uncompromising; stanch; staunch; grim
unwonted; singular; portentous; outstanding; steep
analogous; cousin; kindred; kin; relation; akin
analogous; cousin; kindred; kin; relation; akin
relationship; affinity; kindred; kin; cousinhood
to sink in
to drop; to sink in; to dip; to fall; fell; fallen
drop; vampire; trapdoor; sink; vampire-trap
to sink in; to subside
importunate; imperative; pressing; compelling
businesslike; accurate; strict; nice; exact
businesslike; workmanlike; professional
to break up; to disintegrate; to fall apart
dispensation; dispensing; apportionment
insincere; bogus; fictional; feigned; make-believe
entertainer; amusing; rich; diverting
negation; denial; no; noes; traversing; traverse
platter; dish; bowl; basin
guessing; guess; conjecture
unswerving; uncompromising
bunker; vat; hopper; sink; holder; bin; tank; drum
business; role
to amortize; to redeem; to sink; sank; sunk
tidings; story; advertising; coverage; report
reporter; correspondent; advertising; informant
reporter; correspondent; advertising; informant
cousin; niece
Too many results. Try to be more specific!
© 2006–2023, International Visegrad Fund.
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