September 27th, 2024 AAAA
Fri 27 September 2024
Warszawa (PL)
Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon
23 21 19 15 16
Fri 27 September 2024
Praha (CZ)
Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon
22 22 16 15 16
Fri 27 September 2024
Bratislava (SK)
Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon
23 20 18 15 15
Fri 27 September 2024
Budapest (HU)
Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon
24 27 19 17 16


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International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

to endow; to base; to institute; to establish
water; table waters; mineral waters
table; desk; dead man; board
table tennis
generous; large; charitable; bounteous; handsome
responsible; accountable; liable; amenable
responsibility; blame; accountability; trust
plateau; table; platform
vegetable; vegetable-dish
adjustable spanner; monkey wrench; wrench
tab; flap; flappers; lug; ear; handle; bail; bow
inflatable raft; beach mattress; lilo
steely; unrelenting; indomitable; relentless; grim
house; household; establishment
unwarrantable; unfair; incorrect; improper; wrong
unwarrantable; unfair; incorrect; improper; wrong
bilious; nettlesome; petulant; irritable; peppery
desk; bureau; bureaux; writing-table
savory; delicate; tasteful; palatable; savoury
catalogue; calendar; catalog; note; docket; table
unwarrantable; unwarranted; illegitimate; wrongful
charitable; good-natured
welcome; glad; comfortable; suave; pleasing; soft
leisured; nonchalant; comfortable; comfy; handy
to stab
insufferable; insupportable; unbearable
hard-headed; stubborn; intractable; perverse
record player; stereo; turntable
unadmittable; inadmissible
even-handed; equitable; evenhanded; reasonable
even-handed; equitable; evenhanded; reasonable
train indicator; timetable; schedule
hand; indicator; sample; table; index; pointer
hand; indicator; sample; table; index; pointer
vegetal; vegetable
flatfoot; sleuth; constable; policeman; policemen
flatfoot; sleuth; constable; policeman; policemen
constabulary; police force; police
indomitable; redoubtable; dauntless; dreadnought
regrettable; piteous; unhappy; pitied; sad
mournful; woeful; lugubrious; sorry; lamentable
uncountable; countless; without number; uncounted
trustworthy; creditable; truthful
stably; steadily; sturdily; substantially; tightly
to prickle; to twinge; to pick; to thrust; to stab
stuck; thrust; twitch; stab; sting; tingle; dig
table; pane; slab; panel; pane of glass; land
table; schedule; chart; scheme
pill; tablet; pellet
sideboard; buffet table; dresser; buffet
table of contents
untenable; insupportable
corps; corps; establishment; corps; corporation
respectability; integrity; trustworthiness
snug; presentable; righteous; decorous; aboveboard
bearable; passable; respectable; decent
inimitable; matchless
untouched; inimitable
instability; versatility; inequality
retractable; revocable; reversible; ambulatory
uncertain; moot; vexed; disputed; disputable
indisputably; beyond doubt; beyond question
arguable; disputable; debatable; impugnable
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