Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland

of 14 June 2012 on the assumption on 1 July 2012 by the Republic of Poland of the presidency of the Visegrad Group

The Senate of the Republic of Poland:

  • convinced that the basic principles of Polish foreign policy should be—apart from participation in European integration and the strengthening of transatlantic ties—creating anenvironment in Central and Eastern Europe friendly to Poland,
  • recognizing the achievements and positive experience of previous cooperation between the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Hungary and the Republic of Poland,
  • taking into account not only the common fate, but also the structural similarity and nature of the challenges in a period of global and European economic tensions,
  • positively assessing the achievements of the Czech presidency that is coming to an end,

notes with satisfaction the proper hierarchy of goals and objectives formulated by the Government of the Republic of Poland for the duration of the Polish Presidency of the Visegrad Group.

The Senate of the Republic of Poland considers as being especially important, theformation of the common position of the Group in the debate on the European agenda, in particular concerning the future of the cohesion policy and the Multiannual Financial Framework as well as the approach of the so-called "Visegrad Four" countries to the annual budgetary procedure.

The Senate of the Republic of Poland also believes that a particular challenge, which should bind together and redefine Central European cooperation, is the issue of energy security, which could be achieved through systematic cooperation in the V4 + (Visegrad Group+ third countries). We encourage the Government of the Republic of Poland to take decisiveaction to make the Visegrad Group an area of energy security.

The commitment to draw the countries of the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership closer to the European Union should remain a crucial aspect of Visegrad cooperation.

We would also like to draw attention to the need for a more active support for projects aimed at improving the quality of the infrastructure links between the countries of the Visegrad Group, which is necessary to increase economic, commercial and cultural exchanges betweenthe societies of our four countries.

Appreciating the existing forms of work of the Visegrad Group, we turn to the Government of the Republic of Poland to consider a further substantial increase in financial support for the International Visegrad Fund, particularly for Visegrad projects and its scholarship function, as well as for the development of cooperation in the V4+.

We also move for the proper institutional protection of activities undertaken on behalf of Visegrad cooperation.

The Senate of the Republic of Poland calls on the parliaments of the Visegrad Group countries to render support to their governments in all efforts to enhance the activity andeffectiveness of Visegrad Cooperation.

We urge Polish local governments and NGOs, that during the year long Polish Presidency of the Visegrad Group, they increase the intensity of their work on behalf of a rapprochement between communities and institutions of the countries of the Group, disseminate their history, cultural heritage and to exchange ideas and people in this part of Europe, which is so especially close to us.

The resolution shall be published in the Polish Official Journal "Polish Monitor".

Source: Senate of the Republic of Poland


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