Joint Statement on the Meeting of the Speakers of Parliaments of the Visegrad Group States

June 11, 2021

The Speakers of the parliaments of the Visegrad Group states (V4)

  1. In the year of the 30th anniversary of establishing the Visegrad Group, recognize that in the past decades this format of cooperation has been good for the interests of our nations; contributed to joining the NATO and the European Union and allowed to build own position within their structures. The format of cooperation of the Visegrad Group strengthened the sense of Central European identity and became an effective instrument for promoting joint interests, also in parliamentary terms. The V4 is also a strong advocate of developing North–South infrastructural connectivity in Central Europe, which can significantly contribute to our region’s prosperity.
  2. Consider cooperation within the Visegrad Group to be of major importance in response tothe challenge which the coronavirus pandemic posed for our citizens, both in terms of its effects on public health and economic consequences given the cross-border nature of this threat.
  3. Confirm continued support for the European integration process of the Western Balkan countries, for the Eastern Partnership as well as the European aspirations of the associated Eastern Partners.
  4. Express their deep concern with the ongoing conflict in the east and south of Ukraine andthe persistent tension in the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as the situation in Moldova and Georgia. Call for ending the conflicts and for developing lasting peace agreements.
  5. Emphasize the need for Ukraine to speed up pro-European reforms and to demonstrate the commitment to the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities as stated in the Preamble of EU–Ukraine Association Agreement.
  6. Jointly condemn all acts of violating international law, and above all, the causing of theexplosion of the ammunition depot in Vrbětice in the territory of the Czech Republic as well as forcing a passenger plane to land in Minsk for the purpose of arresting the Belarusian opposition activist, Roman Protasevich, who was on board. We support introduction of sanctions against the regime, but not against citizens.
  7. Call for carrying out free and fair presidential election in Belarus, releasing all political prisoners, including journalists and representatives of national minorities, refraining from repressions against civil society, and prosecuting those who are responsible for human rights violation.
  8. Declare the active participation of the Visegrad Group states’ parliaments in the Conference on the future of Europe where they will coordinate their efforts in case of initiatives advanced by all V4 member states.
  9. Confirm strong commitment to NATO collective security, transatlantic bond and unity in defence of our values and interests, and our full support to adapting our Alliance to preparefor the future in a changing security environment.


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