V4 Declaration on Automatic Mutual Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education for the Purpose of Further Learning

We, the Ministers responsible for higher education of the Visegrad Group (V4)—the Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic—intend to strengthen our cooperation through promoting the automatic mutual recognition of qualifications concerning higher education for the purpose of further learning in the V4 countries.

V4 Declaration on Automatic Mutual Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education for the Purpose of Further Learning

Internationalisation of higher education, both at the level of education policy and institutions, is of strategic significance for the countries of the V4 in terms of meeting social and economic expectations across the V4 region. Therefore, international higher education and research cooperation within the region—which enables students, academic teaching and non-teaching staff and researchers to participate in international programmes—is a key priority for the V4 countries.

Quality enhancement of higher education trainings and services is the cornerstone of a successful higher education life path. We are committed to develop more inclusive, innovative, interconnected and resilient higher education systems. We fully support young people and adults to take part in higher education and enable them to be successful players in the labour market, in our society and in their family lives.

In the future, we consider it essential to build more effective collaborations among the entire higher education society in the V4 countries to create a free and flexible learning, teaching and research experience for V4 higher education students and staff.

Improving procedures for the mutual recognition of qualifications concerning higher education for the purpose of further learning in the V4 countries contributes largely to establishing a European Education Area by 2025. Having similar higher education systems and sharing a mutual understanding of each other's historical background are the prerequisites of our successful higher education cooperation.

Automatic recognition of qualifications concerning higher education for the purpose of further learning gives general access to higher education programmes in the Visegrad countries and guarantees smoother recognition procedures in order to make higher educational qualifications portable across V4 country borders limiting the bureaucracy to a minimum.

By this Declaration we express our common aspiration to encourage the automatic mutual recognition of qualifications concerning higher education for the purpose of further learning in the V4 countries. We work together in pursuit of this goal. Our national bodies continuously review the way in which the Declaration is implemented and applied, identify topical or actual developments that require special attention, and actively involve relevant stakeholders in this work.

We believe that mutual familiarisation with the higher education systems and the recognition procedures of V4 countries, sharing experiences of automatic recognition and the exploration of co-operation possibilities can bring V4 countries closer to each other.

We state that this declaration does not create any rights or obligations under the international law and is not legally enforceable.

Győr, October 22, 2021


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