2005/2006 Hungarian Presidency: Report

Activity of the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group in 2005/2006
Political cooperation
  • Multilateral political dialogue was realized through meetings of prime ministers, foreign ministers and senior representatives of foreign ministries. Meetings were also held in the expanded V4+ format.
11th July 2005 - Budapest, meeting of V4 Foreign Ministers + Austria and Slovenia, invitation of Ukrainian Foreign Minister;
13th July 2005 - Budapest, informal meeting of V4 Prime Ministers + Austria and Slovenia;
30th August 2005 - Budapest, meeting of V4 Prime Ministers and José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission;
30th September 2005 - Wisla, meeting of V4 Heads of State;
10th-11th October 2005 - Budapest, meeting of Foreign Ministers of V4 + Austria, Slovenia, and Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro);
2nd December 2005 - Budapest, meeting of V4 Prime Ministers and Tony Blair, President-in-Office of the European Union;
15th December 2005 - Brussels, meeting of V4 and Benelux Prime Ministers;
8th March 2006 - Budapest, meeting of V4 Foreign Ministers
10th October 2006 - Visegrád, meeting of V4 Prime Ministers
  • Representatives of parliaments maintained regular contacts, dominated by current European issues.
17th-18th June 2005 - The Hague, V4-Benelux Parliamentarian meeting;
3rd-4th February 2006 - Prague, meeting of the Speakers of V4 National Assemblies
  • Current international issues were the subject of consultations between representatives of the respective departments of foreign ministries.
8th September 2005 - consultation in the issues of EU Fundamental Rights Agency;
18th October 2005 - Budapest, consultation of post-soviet experts;
28th October 2005 - Brussels, consultation of V4 foreign policy planning experts and the Director of EU Policy Planning and Early Warning Unit;
25th November 2005 - Budapest, consultation of V4 security policy departments;
12th December 2005 - Visegrad, consultation of V4 and German foreign policy planning experts;
9th March 2006 - Budapest, consultation of V4 + Lithuanian, Moldovan and Ukrainian foreign policy planning experts;
16th March 2006 - Prague, consultation of V4 - U.S. security policy experts on Latin America's current problems;
2nd June 2006 - Prague, consultation of Directors dealing with Security policy and Non-Proliferation
27th-28th June 2006 - Budapest, consultation of V4 - U.S. foreign policy planning experts
28th June 2006 - Warsaw, consultation of Directors dealing with European affairs at the V4 Ministries of Foreign Affairs
  • Issues relating to the Visegrad Cooperation were the subjects of regular meetings by the V4 National Coordinators. Meetings of the V4 - Benelux Task Force had the goal of developing dialogue with the Benelux General Secretariat.
9th September 2005 - Balatonalmadi, meeting of the V4 National Coordinators;
28th September 2005 - Brussels, V4 - Benelux Task Force National Coordinators;
20th October 2005 - Bratislava, meeting of V4 National Coordinators
6th December 2005 - Cracow, meeting of V4 National Coordinators
12th January 2006 - Budapest, V4-Benelux meeting of National Coordinators;
1st-2nd March 2006 - Prague, V4-Benelux meeting of National Coordinators;
10th April 2006 - Warsaw, meeting of V4 National Coordinators;
15th May 2006 - Bratislava, meeting of V4 National Coordinators;
11th July 2006 - Tihany, closing meeting of the V4 National Coordinators
  • Issues relating to International Visegrad Fund
19th September 2005 - Bratislava, meeting of IVF experts;
18th October 2005 - Warsaw, meeting of IVF experts on communication strategy
26th October 2005 - Bratislava, 6th session of the Council of Ambassadors
26th October 2005 - Bratislava, 2nd meeting of the Conference of Ministers
15th November 2005 - Bratislava, meeting of IVF experts;
20th December 2005 - Bratislava, session of the Council of Ambassadors
19th January 2006 - Prague, meeting of IVF experts on communication strategy;
14th February 2006 - Bratislava, meeting of IVF experts;
24th February 2006 - Prague, 1st session of the Council of Ambassadors
24th February 2006 - Prague, 1st meeting of the Conference of Ministers
16th March 2006 - Bratislava, meeting of IVF experts on communication strategy;
30th March 2006 - Prague, 2nd session of the Council of Ambassadors
6th April 2006 - Bratislava, meeting of IVF experts;
5th April 2006 - Bratislava, selection meeting of Visegrad Scholarship Programme;
6th-7th April 2006 - Warsaw, selection meeting of Visegrad Scholarship Programme;
20th April 2006 - Bratislava, meeting of IVF experts
27th April 2006 - Prague, 2nd meeting of the Conference of Ministers
27th April 2006 - Prague,3rd session of the Council of Ambassadors
30th May, 2006 - Bratislava, meeting of IVF experts
26th June, 2006 - Prague, 3rd meeting of the Conference of Ministers
26th June, 2006 - Prague, 4th session of the Council of Ambassadors
11th August, 2006 - Prague, 4th meeting of the Conference of Ministers
11th August, 2006 - Prague, 5th session of the Council of Ambassadors.
  • Sectoral cooperation
Cooperation in the framework of the Visegrad Group is not limited to the political dimension. Specific issues within the competency of other ministries and central institutions were the subjects of the following meetings:
29th-30th June 2005 - Wroclaw, meeting of V4 Civil Defence and Disaster Recovery Directors;
28th-29 July 2005 - Graz, meeting of V4 + Austrian, Slovenian and Romanian Ministers of the Interior;
19th August 2005 - Bratislava, meeting of V4 Ministers of Agriculture;
6th-7th September 2005 - Dvory nad Zitavou, meeting of the Representatives of V4 Agricultural Chambers;
9th September 2005 - Manchester, meeting of V4 Ministers of Finance;
12th-14th September 2005 - Keszthely, meeting of Presidents of V4 patent offices;
22nd-23rd September 2005 - Budapest, meeting of V4 + Romanian and Bulgarian Ministers Responsible for Housing;
26th-27th September 2005 - Bratislava, II. Forum of V4 Regions;
29th September-1st October 2005 - Marianske Lazne, meeting of V4 Ministers of Justice;
13th-14th October 2005 - Budapest, conference of V4 + other six new Member States on EU regional policy;
27th-28th October 2005 - The Hague, meeting of V4-Benelux patent office experts (except of Poland);
3rd-4th November 2005 - Cesky Krumlov, meeting of Presidents of V4 Court of Auditors;
14th-18th November 2005 - Torun, consultation of Chiefs of Staffs of V4 Ministries of Defence;
5th December 2005 - Budapest, consultation of V4 National Armaments Directors;
10th-11th December 2005 - Budapest, meeting of V4 Chiefs of Defence;
16th December 2005 - Budapest, meeting of V4 Defence Policy Directors;
19th January 2006 - Budapest, meeting of V4 Ministers of Defence;
27th January 2006 - Budapest, meeting of V4 + Slovenian Ministers of Labour;
27th January 2006 - Budapest, meeting of V4 + Austrian, Croatian, Romanian and Slovenian Executives Responsible for Energy Sector;
30th-31st January 2006 - Budapest, meeting of the Leaders of V4 Agricultural Chambers;
8th February 2006 - Budapest, meeting of V4 Executives Responsible for Tourism;
3rd March 2006 - Budapest, consultation of V4 State Secretaries Responsible for European Issues;
6th March 2006 - Budapest, meeting of V4 Ministers of Finance;
17th March 2006 - Budapest, meeting of V4+ Austrian and American minsters responsible for the energy sector;
22nd March 2006 - Budapest, meeting of V4 State Secretaries Responsible for Transport;
31st March 2006 - Visegrad, meeting of V4 + Austrian and Slovenian Ministers of Agriculture;
31st March - 1st April 2006 - Brno, meeting of the Representatives of V4 Agricultural Chambers;
24th-25th April 2006 - Prague, meeting of Presidents of V4 Academies of Sciences;
24th-28th April 2006 - Budapest, consultation of the workgroup dealing with actual issues of human resources management of V4 Ministries of Defence;
25th April 2006 - Prague, meeting of V4 + Bulgarian and Romanian Ministers Responsible for Regional Development;
26th-28th April 2006 - Paradsasvar, meeting of V4 Civil Defence and Disaster Recovery Directors;
4th-5th May 2006 - Kosice, meeting of V4 Ministers for Environment;
8th-12th May 2006 - Budapest, consultation of Chiefs of Staffs of V4 Ministries of the Interior;
16th May 2006 - Senec, meeting of Representatives of V4 Ministers of Agriculture;
19th May 2006 - Budapest, seminar on the experiences of the fight against corruption among experts of V4 and Western Balkan Ministries for Justice;
22nd-23rd May 2006 - Bratislava, reunion of the Salzburg Forum;
1st-2nd June 2006 - Csopak, workshop of V4 Ministries of Environment on Natura 2000
12th-15th June 2006 - Balatonfoldvar, workshop on Critical Infrastructure Protection of V4 + Austrian + Dutch + Slovenian experts
26th-28th June 2006 - Vyskov, meeting of V4 Chiefs of Defence sharing operational experiences of peacekeeping.
Budapest, 11 August, 2006


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