Declaration of the Visegrad Group and the Federal Republic of Germany on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of historic changes in Central Europe

Bratislava, Summit of the V4 Prime Ministers and German Chancellor

February 7, 2019

  • 30 years ago, the profound political and societal movements for freedom and democracy overthrew totalitarian regimes in Central Europe and made way for the reunification of Germany and Europe. Peoples of Central Europe reclaimed their freedom and democratic rights as well as the possibility to re-join the community of Western democratic nations.
  • Commemorating events of 1989, we acknowledge a key role of then Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Germany in the fall of communism. Anti-totalitarian movements in these countries contributed significantly to the acceleration of the collapse of the totalitarian regimes and the fall of the Iron Curtain. Germany embraced this historic opportunity with the vision of creating a new and modern democratic Europe.
  • Common values and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms were the driving force of the political changes in the region. That was the reason why the vision of joining EU and NATO was always so clear.
  • With the accession to the EU 15 years ago, the process of returning of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Slovak Republic to the European family was completed. Central Europe returned to where it had always belonged geographically, historically as well as culturally.
  • During the past 30 years, our countries have come a successful way. Mutual political, economic, cultural and people to people relations between the Visegrad Group countries and Germanyhave largely developed and our economic interdependence has become strategic. We appreciate the results we have jointly achieved. Our countries form an integral part of the European project, which is our common future.
  • Nowadays, 30 years after its reunification, Europe faces new challenges, which it can tackle only by a joint response. There is no place for East–West, North–South, Old–New divides in the current European Union. The way forward is through an open and sincere dialogue on the basis of mutual trust and respect among all of its member states.
  • We intend to deepen further our relations for the benefit of our citizens, our countries and the European Union as a whole. Unity is key. We are ready to make our contribution for a stronger, safer, more cohesive, prosperous and successful Europe and we continue to uphold the Transatlantic Alliance based on shared democratic values and common interests.


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