Terms of Reference of the V4 Planning Group

Annex B to the Framework for an Enhanced Visegrad Defense Planning Cooperation (adopted in Visegrád on March 14, 2014)


The V4 Planning Group (V4 PG) is an integrated defence planning body, in charge of the expert-level work in the field of V4 defence planning cooperation. The V4 PG explores the potential areas of cooperation with regard to capability development and provides recommendations to the V4 Senior Body of State Secretaries/Defence Policy Directors/Armament Directors on these areas. The V4 PG is also responsible for ensuring that the projects are reflected in the respective national planning processes and NATO’s defence planning process and it assures that the projects are executed in a V4 format.


The V4 PG is an expert forum led by the defence planning chiefs, also including experts from force planning and armament planning and the chairpersons of the Working Teams for consultancy. The defence planning chief of the nation holding the presidency of the V4 acts as the chairperson of the V4 PG.

The V4 PG is supported by the Working Teams that are non-permanent structures established on a case-by-case basis, comprised of the defense planning experts and the subject matter experts of the project areas. The chairperson of the Working Team is a delegate from the facilitating nation of the assigned project.

The detailed Terms of Reference of the Working Teams will be added to the document later, based on the practical experience from the cooperation, by the oral endorsement of the Ministers.


  1. The V4 PG operates under the authority of the V4 Senior Body of State Secretaries/Defence Policy Directors/Armament Directors.
  2. The V4 PG oversees and gives guidance over the activity of the Working Teams.
  3. The V4 PG is responsible for the screening of defence and procurement plans and identifying capability development projects on the expert-level.
  4. The V4 PG prepares project proposals for the V4 Senior Body.
  5. The V4 PG should be informed on the inclusion of the approved projects in the national and NATO’s defence planning process.


  1. Examination of the national defence and procurement plans and NATO capability targets, also considering international trends and regional capability shortfalls;
  2. Compiling the capability development matrix and a list of potential capability development areas;
  3. Identification of the most promising capability development areas and advising the V4 Senior Body on these affairs;
  4. Providing recommendations to the V4 Senior Body on the selection of the facilitating nation for each project;
  5. Advising the V4 Senior Body which projects should be submitted for feasibility study for the Working Teams;
  6. Providing recommendations to the V4 Senior Body whether a project should be open to third parties;
  7. Establishing Working Teams in project areas approved by the V4 Senior Body;
  8. Providing recommendations concerning individual projects to the V4 Senior Body based on the proposals and the feasibility study prepared by the Working Teams;
  9. Submission of the conceptual foundation of capability development or procurement projects to the V4 Senior Body based on the elaboration of the Working Teams;
  10. Advising the V4 Senior Body on the roadmaps of individual projects based on the recommendations of the Working Teams;
  11. Tracking the progress of the individual projects and the overall defence planning cooperation and reporting results to the Senior Body;
  12. Providing recommendations to the V4 Senior Body on the dismissal of unfeasible project proposals and disbanding the related Working Teams;
  13. Overseeing the inclusion of projects in the respective national planning and NATO’s defence planning process following the Ministerial decision;
  14. Overseeing the drafting of the necessary documentation of a project by the Working Teams (for example Memorandum of Understanding, Technical Agreement).


The V4 PG meets at least twice during every presidency year, and utilizes the margins of related EU, NATO, or other international events if possible.

English is the working language of the V4 defence planning cooperation.


The expenses related to the V4 defence planning cooperation are shared by the participating nations by the principle of “costs lie where they fall”.

June 3, 2014

Source: Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic


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