2004/2005 Polish Presidency

Program for the Polish presidency of the Visegrad Group 2004/2005
The Republic of Poland has succeeded the Czech Republic as the president of the Visegrad Group for 2004/2005. This takes place immediately following the accession of the states of the Visegrad Group to the European Union. Thus, a new chapter begins in the political and regional cooperation of Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. The Visegrad Group states initiated that chapter by signing on 12th May 2004 in Kroměříž a new Visegrad Declaration and adopting the Guidelines that will serve as the basis of cooperation for the next few years. The Polish presidency of the Visegrad Group has the goal of building on the achievements of the preceding presidencies, through implementation of the Guidelines.
The main priorities of Polish presidency:
1. Consultations on the future financial perspective.
2. Cooperation in the field of Schengen issues.
3. Participation in the formation and implementation of the Union´s New neighbourhood policy.
4. Introduction of the strategic programmes of the International Visegrád Fund.
5. Cooperation in the field of the energy sector, industry and infrastructure, scientific research.
6. Further development of  the practical regional cooperation.

1. Political dimension of Visegrad cooperation
The Polish presidency will seek to preserve the Visegrad Group as a regional forum of dialog on European issues, concordant with the spirit and practice of the European Union. The Union environment in which the Visegrad Group will operate under the Polish presidency is   marked by a high momentum of events and a changing configuration of tactical alliances. Therefore, it appears advisable not to set an annual agenda, but to focus on improvement of the mechanism of consultations and the political potential of the V4. We wish to upgrade the forms and mechanisms of political collaboration based on the criteria of effectiveness and complementarity in relation to the system of the European Union.
Accordingly, during the Polish presidency we plan regular political consultations of the Union and analytical departments of foreign ministries and ad hoc consultations of the political directors. We assume maintenance of the special, traditional ties between the permanent missions of the V4 states at the EU in Brussels, between the permanent mission of the V4 states at the NATO in Brussels, and also between the diplomatic representatives of our states in third states and in international organizations. As regards summit meetings, Poland envisages at least one meeting of presidents and one official summit of prime ministers. The frequency of the premiers' meetings may be higher - as dictated by various occasions connected with V4 activity. The Polish presidency also plans a meeting of foreign ministers.
The parliamentary dimension of the Visegrad cooperation will also be maintained during the Polish presidency.

2. The Visegrad Group and its environment inside and outside the Union
The Polish presidency plans to focus primarily on already initiated cooperation with external partners  (the nearest partners in Central Europe, the Benelux, the Nordic Council and Japan), consulting in realization of concrete projects. An evaluation of V4 projects being implemented with external partners should be conducted once every year.
In accordance with the new Visegrad Decleration, we will seek to use the unique experience of  the Visegrad Group countries and to contribute to developing and implementing the European Union´s policies towards the countries of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. In these efforts, cooperation with other partners on the case by case basis may be usefull. 
3. International Visegrad Fund
The International Visegrad Fund remains the only institutional instrument of Visegrad cooperation. Poland currently holds the yearly chairmanship of the Fund. We wish to support the Fund and use it to develop links between the societies of our countries.
In particular, we shall utilize the potential of the Fund to enhance the position of the Visegrad Group as one of the regional structures inside the European Union. We want to create a legal and organizational framework for implementation of Visegrad projects inspired and co-organized by partners from the EU. For that purpose, all V4 countries will actively promote legislative procedures designed to update the IVF Statute and implement those changes in practice.
We want the Fund to consolidate its position as an institution facilitating the contacts of youth from Visegrad countries with Union and non-Union academic and scientific institutions. Poland will seek to streamline the scholarship system. We intend to upgrade the role of the Fund as an instrument allowing youth from countries neighboring on the Visegrad Group and not belonging to the EU, to study and conduct research in academic centers of the V4.
Poland supports the proposal to establish a Visegrad Strategic Program in the framework of the IVF. It will have the purpose of encouraging cooperation of the V4 states in implementing major, joint strategic projects undertakings of high political priority, organized in the V4 countries and outside their borders.

Coordinator: Ministries of Foreign Affairs
- Meeting of Presidents of V4 states (1st quarter of 2005, Poland);
- Annual Summit of Premiers of V4 states (May-June 2005, Poland);
- Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of V4 states (autumn 2004, Poland);
- Meeting of Secretaries/ Under-Secretaries of State of Ministries of Foreign Affairs - preparation of the Annual Summit of Premiers (spring 2005);
- Regular meetings of National V4 Coordinators (we propose the frequency of the meetings be increased to one a month, for a total of 10 meetings during the year);
- Meetings of National V4 Coordinators with representatives of the Benelux General Secretariat (February - March 2005, Bratislava, Slovak Republic);
- Meetings of National V4 Coordinators with representatives of the Secretariat of the Nordic Council of Ministers (1st quarter of 2005);
- Meeting of Prime Ministers V4 + Benelux.

- Meetings of Secretaries/Under-Secretaries of State on the new financial perspective (17th September 2004);
- Meeting of Under-Secretaries of State responsible for science and research in the framework of the Lisbon Strategy - with participation of Slovenia (21st July 2004);
- Meeting of Under-Secretaries of State/director of justice and home affairs departments - topics: terrorism, illegal immigration (September/October 2004);
- Meeting of Political Directors at the beginning of each EU presidency;
-  Meeting of Political Directors, European correspondents and National Coordinators on the European neighborhood policy (27th August 2004);
- Meeting of directors for EU affairs before or during GAERC meetings;
- Meeting of directors for EU affairs on the new financial perspective, Lisbon Strategy, EU enlargement; expected participation of Dariusz Rosati, Polish representative in the Lisbon Strategy Group, chaired by Wim Kok (September/October 2004);
- Meeting of directors for EU affairs and directors responsible for security policy, devoted to the European Security and Defense Policy (date to be determined);
- Meeting of directors of planning units of V4 states with their counterparts from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia on the Eastern dimension of the EU - with possible participation of representatives of the Nordic Council Secretariat (date to be determined);
-  Meeting of directors of planning units of V4 states on Middle East strategy (date to be determined);
- Meeting of directors for EU affairs of V4 states and the Weimar Triangle on Neighborhood Policy, new financial perspective, EU institutional issues (16th September 2004);
- Consultations of consular department directors - topics: harmonization of visa policy, Schengen issues, development of consular networks (date to be determined);
- Meetings of group of V4 experts with representatives of the Benelux General Secretariat (1st October 2004, Brussels);

Coordinator: competent ministries and Ministries of Foreign Affairs
Sector cooperation is a crucial dimension of Visegrad cooperation, helping to shape the identity of Central Europe. Following the EU accession of the Visegrad group states, sector cooperation has been extended to the sphere of protection of the external EU border of the Member States of the European Union. During the Polish presidency, we shall put emphasis on implementation of the Schengen acquis. We also envisage selective continuation of present forms of inter-ministry cooperation. It would be desirable to adopt a short but viable catalog of cooperation topics, treated as a priority by all the V4 states.
We suggest the following list:
1. Infrastructure and transportation - corridor 6 (as defined by conclusion of the Conference of ministers of transport of the CEMT in Helsinki 1997) and North-South transportation routes;
2. Regional policy - regional and spatial development;
3. Trans-frontier cooperation - opening of internal borders of the Member States of the European Union and protection of the external border of the Member States of the European Union;
4. Environment protection and co-operation in the field of agriculture;
5. Other areas of regional cooperation.
1. Infrastructure and transport
Coordinator: Ministry of Infrastructure of the RP, Ministry of Economy and Labor of the RP
Transport (Ministry of Infrastructure of the RP)
- Work in four working groups (at least one meeting of each working group is envisaged during the Polish presidency):
1. Working group for combined transport concerned with:
§ collection of statistical data on combined transport,
§ support for joint projects and procedures designed to increase the share of combined transport in over-all cargo transport.
2. Working group for railways, concerned with:
§ cooperation in implementing the interoperation of rail cargo and passenger transport,
§ elaboration of joint procedures to facilitate clearance of cargo trains at border stations,
§ discussion with the European Commission of issues connected with Railway Package 2 and 3.
3. Working group for the efficient road infrastructure charging, concerned with:
§ introduction of unified tolls for road use;
§  exchange of experience with other countries, which have introduced an effective system of toll collection,
§ establishment of an inter-operative toll-collection system, compatible with EU requirements,
4. Working group for road safety, concerned with:
§ exchange of information on traffic safety, at experts' level, using the Internet (creation of an Internet platform),
§ exchange of experience with other countries of the region and its utilization to reduce the number of pedestrian deaths.
- Organization of a meeting of Transportation Ministers of Visegrad Group states (Warsaw, Poland, March 2005), prepared by a meeting of experts (Warsaw, Poland, February 2005).
- A meeting of persons coordinating V4 work is planned in Warsaw, in September 2004, to review cooperation in the framework of the above working groups.
Infrastructure (Ministry of Economy and Labor of the RP)
- Work connected with the development of the meridian transportation network (cooperation would be desirable with Balkan` area Bulgaria and Romania in the south, and Baltic Sea countries in the north).
- Modernization of borders between the countries of the Visegrad Group.

2. Regional policy - regional and spatial development
Coordinator: Ministry of Economy and Labor of the RP, Ministry of Finance of the RP
This sphere of cooperation has inter-disciplinary character. Consultations of the competent V4 ministries are envisaged on the following topics: preparation and implementation of national strategies (plans) of regional development, utilization of resources from the Cohesion Fund and Structural Funds, the Lisbon Strategy, the new financial perspective, transportation strategies and cooperation of the competent institutions.
Regional policy - economic development of regions (Ministry of Economy and Labor of the RP)
- Meeting of the permanent working group for regional development (9th-10th September 2004, Slovakia);
- Meeting of ministers responsible for regional development in V4 countries (autumn 2004, Poland);
- Preparation of a joint concept by taking into consideration the particularities of each country of regional and spatial development of the Visegrad Group as a contribution to the new version of the European Spatial Development Perspective. Definition of common interests and pursuit of a common regional policy at the EU, best suited to the needs of V4 states;
- Cooperation in economic strengthening of cities and revival of materially and socially degraded urban areas. Emphasis should be placed on the restoration of the economic functions of small towns through programs of revival and enhancement of innovation and competitiveness, particularly with reference to small and medium-sized businesses;
- Support for the Consultative Council of the Euro-Regions of the V4 area;
- Cooperation with the International Border Management Agency.
New financial perspective
(Ministry of Finance of the RP, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RP, Office of the Committee for European Integration)
In the political sphere, the Polish presidency will strive to:
- Discussion on the draft legislative proposals adopted by the Commission at meetings of the relevant ministries` officials; 
- To identify common points of the Visegrad Group with regard to the strategic goals of the EU for the duration of the new financial perspective;
- Elaborate a common position of the Visegrad Group with regard to the financial means of implementing the strategic goals of the EU during the new financial perspective;
- Elaboration of common positions of the Visegrad Group with regard to the presentation of the above goals within the structure of the new financial perspective, and in the general budget of the EU.
Customs cooperation (Ministry of Finance of the RP)
- Meeting of the directors of the national customs organizations with the aim to elaborate concrete issues for the V4 cooperation and to establish expert groups to implement these issues.
- Coordination in the framework of the World Customs Organization.
- Consultations concerning the EU customs strategy (point of view of the V4).
Trade policy of the EU (Ministry of Economy and Labor of the RP)
- Continuation of consultations at the level of Titulaires (Committee 133 of the EU) of V4 and Scandinavian countries on the shape of the future trade policy and other issues connected with Committee 133. The first meeting took place on 25th-26th May 2004. Further consultations are planned in the autumn/winter of 2004.
Internal market, market monitoring and analysis (Ministry of Economy and Labor of the RP)
- Exchange of information on the free movement of persons between V4 states, eradication of barriers hindering the free movement of persons and provision of services, monitoring of the movement of persons, and cooperation of employment services;
- Examination of the possibility of joint initiatives or joint positions at the EU with regard to the free movement of the work force, particularly in the context of the analysis of economic migration from the new member states, which is to be prepared by the European Commission;
- Consultations in connection with any joint initiatives for fuller utilization of the EURES system, or undertakings conducted in the framework of that system.
Energy (Ministry of Economy and Labor of the RP)
- Continuation of meetings of V4 experts;
- Cooperation in the legislative sphere and coordination of positions, particularly with regard to the establishment of a common energy and gas market;
- Cooperation and coordination of positions concerning the Trans-European Electricity Network and other projects of mutual interest;
- Consultations concerning exploitation the transport of gas, gas-supply security, and the potential exploitation of the pipeline systems of the V4 states and the Nabucco system;
-  Cooperation in the field of strategic supplies of oil, oil products and gas.
Tourism (Ministry of Economy and Labor of the RP, Polish Tourist Organization)
- The Visegrad Coutries will examine the possibilities of using European Union and Visegrad Founds for cooperation in the area of tourism and with special focus on Interreg and the International Visegrad Fund.
- The Visegrad Coutries, all of which became the Member of the European Union on 1st May 2004, shall strengh the exchange of views on tourism issues of the Union.
- Cooperation of national organizations promoting tourism. In 2004, they are planning joint promotional campaigns in the United States, Brazil, China and Japan. The envisaged undertakings include:
- Joint participation of representatives of the national tourist organizations of the V4 countries in the JATA tourist fair in Japan (23rd-26th September 2004) and in ABAV, Rio de Janeiro (20th-24th October 2004);
- Organization of national stands at international tourist fairs in Shanghai, Yokohama and Rio de Janeiro;
- Maintenance and updating of a joint web-site promoting the tourist attractions of the V4: www.european-quartet.com;
- Revival of the promotional brochure about the V4 region;
- Publication of a tourist map of the V4 area;
- Presentation and distribution of a promotional film about the V4 countries;
- A road-show promotional event for tour operators in the United States (autumn 2004);
- Study tours for Chinese journalists (September 2004).

3. Trans-frontier cooperation - opening of internal borders of the member States of the European Union and protection of the external borders of the member States of the European Union
Coordinator: Ministry of Interior and Administration of the RP
Schengen issues (Ministry of Interior and Administration of the RP)
- Submission of application for Schengen evaluation;
- Resumption of the work of experts groups establish during the Czech presidency;
- Discussion of issues related to the execution of the Schengen acquis; 
- Formulation of a common V4 position in Schengen issues;
- Two one-day working meetings at experts' level of Working Party of Visegrad Group for Schengen Cooperation (January and April 2005);
- Cooperation of V4 states with the Benelux on Schengen issues (continuation).
Public Administration (Ministry of Interior and Public Administration of the RP)
- meeting of Vice-Ministers and State Secretaries of Internal Affaires (Prague, November 25-26 2004)
- meetings of expert groups devoted to modernization of public administration, implementation of information systems and education of civil servants working in public administration;
- organization of meetings of the three working groups (modernization of the administration, e-government, public administration staff) in Poland (2005) ;
- organization of a conference (late October - early November 2004) devoted to the following questions:
§ division of competencies between the government administration and territorial self-government , with particular reference to the transfer of competencies to the self-government level, coordination of task implementation, quality standardization of public services, legal regulations concerning the tasks and competencies of territorial self-management;
§ training of public administration staff, exchange of information on improvement of public administration, elimination of corruption in public administration.
Local governments
- Internal legal subject statute of local governments;
- Creation of basic rules for the authorization process of joint investments;
- Harmonization of law concerning the quality of public services;
- Exercising public administration rights in transborder cooperation;
- Transborder cooperation for a successful use of financial UE and INTERREG sources.
Security policy
- meeting of Working group V4 + Austria (February 2005)
§ extremism phenomena in Central Europe,
§ violence at stadiums.

4. Environment protection agriculture and forestry
Coordinator: Ministry of the Environment of the RP, Ministry of Agriculture of the RP
1. Protection of natural resources
- The Minister of the Environment of the RP will host the next meeting of Environment Ministers of V4 States (April 2005):
§ Exchange of experience on the implementation of the IPPC (Integration of Pollution Prevention and Control) directive and introduction of BAT (Best Available Techniques),
§ Methodology of strategic assessment of environment impacting,
§ Exchange of experience concerning the implementation of the Recommendation of the European Parliament and Council No. 2002/331/EC, setting the minimum criteria for environment protection inspectors in member states,
§ Methods and scope of training of environment protection inspectors,
§ Operation of inspection systems with regard to trans-frontier movement of waste materials,
§ Improvement of the methods of identification of the causes of serious industrial accidents with possible trans-frontier effects,
§ Preparation of joint documentation of contingency plans,
§ Exercises with the use of the industrial accidents notification system,
§ Exercises in the eradication of the effects of serious industrial accidents,
§ Upgrading of methods of the protection of specially-protected areas and objects against the effects of serious industrial accidents,
§ Cooperation in disaster prevention.
Cooperation with the Benelux on the following issues:
- Waste management, incl. reuse and re-circulation of packaging materials;
- Sustainable mobility, incl. sustainable development of lacking infrastructure; using of bio-fuels, LNG and other alternative fuels, urban mobility, etc.;
- Implementing ETAP (Environmental Technologies Action Program);
- Application of economic instruments in environmental policy, incl. taxation, emission trading technics, incl. the institutional framework.    
2. Agriculture
Safety and supervision of the food quality
- Cooperation of component bodies responsible for the safety and official control of food and feed,
- Cooperation in the creation and implementation of EU legislation on the level of enterprises and supervision at the field of food safety, harmonization of the implementation procedures,
- Cooperation in the creation of the policy in the field of genetically modified food and, incl. control mechanism and consumer protection,
- Food safety and consumer protection as a priority of food industry.
Agriculture and trade
- Formation of a working group on the level of V4, dealing with direct payments in agriculture - solvency of direct payments in the stages till year 2007 and after the year 2007,
- Cooperation during the meetings Working groups of the Council and Management Committees - support in pursing common interests.
Common agricultural policy
Exchange of information and possible cooperation concerning the experience of the fundrising process within CAP of the relevant Visegrad authorities.
3. Forestry
- Exchange of information of national supervisory bodies about natural trade with    reproductive material of trees according to Directive 1999/105/ES about trade with forestry reproductive material,
- Exchange of knowledge and experience from the process of preparation and implementation of national forestry programmes,
- Equal access of state and privately-owned forests to Union funds,
- Closer cooperation in the framework of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forest in Europe.
- Forestry measures in frame of the proposal of the Council Regulation on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). 
5. Other areas of regional cooperation

5.1. Defense and military affairs
(Ministry of National Defense of the RP)
- Meeting of Defense Ministers (autumn 2004);
- Cooperation in implementing the obligations stemming from the Prague Capabilities Commitment;
- Establishment of cooperation between arms industry enterprises;
- Regular consultations on international security, with particular reference to regional issues (e.g. ESDP, stabilization and peace missions) , and utilization of the Agency in the field of defense capabilities development, research, acquisition and armaments - European Defense Agency (EDA);
- Continued cooperation between the national directors for armaments;
- Continued cooperation at the level of ministry working groups (e.g. TRISTAND, TRICOD, ASOC).

5.2. Scientific research, culture, education and sports
Research and development (Ministry of Science and Information Technology of the RP)
- First meeting of Secretaries of State of V4 states and Slovenia responsible for development and scientific research (21st July 2004);
-  Meeting of experts from the V4 and Slovenia devoted to the elaboration of a joint position regarding the Lisbon Strategy and the new financial perspective (late September, September/October 2004);
- Meeting of experts devoted to the European Commission communiqué of 16th June 2004 on the 7th Frame Program - as the contribution of the V4 and Slovenia to the consultations ending in January 2005 (early November 2004);
- Meeting of Secretaries of State from the V4 states and Slovenia responsible for development and scientific research devoted to the European Commission communiqué of 16th June 2004 on the 7th Frame Program - as the contribution of the V4 and Slovenia to the EU consultations ending in January 2005 (late November 2004);
- Meeting of experts in preparation of the joint position of the V4 and Slovenia to be presented during the spring session of the European Commission (January 2005);
- Meeting of Ministers and Secretaries of State responsible for development and scientific research from the V4 and Slovenia, in preparation of the final position of the V4 and Slovenia to be presented during the spring session of the European Commission (February/March 2005);
Culture (Ministry of Culture of the RP, Adam Mickiewicz Institute)
- Meeting of Ministers of Culture of the V4 states (11-12 November 2004, Sarospatak);
- Establishment of a Culture Fund, for financing of major projects supported by the Ministries of Culture. Implementation of the first projects financed by the Culture Fund will begin in 2005. The first Polish project will involve the recording of music by little-known composers from the countries of the Visegrad Group;
- Presentation (for the first time) of the International Visegrad Award;
- Organization in Warsaw (14th-15th March 2005) of an international conference on the introduction of the Euro in the V4 and national designs of euro coin reverses. The Adam Mickiewicz Institute will be partnered by art academies from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary - where students will design the coin reverses. The AMI has already prepared - jointly with the Fine Arts Academy - an exhibition of euro coin reverse designs by students of the graphics department. The conference will also deal with national marketing methods, and the aesthetics of currencies. Organizers hope for the participation of the designer of the Euro averse - Luc Luycx, author of the Euro sculpture - Prof. Ottmar Hoerl, and designer of the Euro symbol - Jean Pierre Malivoir, which would help align the work of the V4 with EU expectations. The conference results will be presented to the presidents of the V4 national banks, which will take the decision on the design of the European coin.
- Establishment of a team of V4 experts in language issues and policy that would open a political and expert discussion on language communication and problems in the enlarged EU. It should concentrate on analysing current national and EU language policies, protection and sound development of national languages and cultures, guaranteeing language rights on official and citizen levels, searching solutions for equal, non-discriminatory and effective interethnic language communication in the EU.
Education and Sports (Ministry of Education and Sports of the RP)
- Continuation of the international project of a bi-linguistic secondary school of the V4 in Čadca, Slovakia;
- Preparation of a program for the teaching of V4 languages;
- Continuation of consultations on the peculiarities of education of national and ethnic minorities;
- Implementation of the Visegrad Scholarship program financed by the International Visegrad Fund;
- Continued cooperation of the V4 states in the framework of the CEEPUS program;
- Cooperation in the field of sports, with special reference to "Olympic Hopes" competitions for youth from the V4 states.
Youth (Ministry of Education and Sports of the RP)
- organization of a seminar for V4 youth on "Youth volunteers in social and public life as contribution to the development of the civil state" (3rd quarter of 2005);
- Organization by the Bogdan Jański Higher School in Warsaw of a social-economic knowledge competition titled "The role and significance of the Visegrad Group in united Europe" for secondary school students of the V4 states.
- Encouragement of cooperation between governmental and non-governmental sport institutions and organizations of the respective countries. 

5.3. Justice
(Ministry of Justice of the RP)
- Meeting of Justice Ministers of the V4 states (13th-15th October 2004, Cracow). Topics of the meeting: Cooperation based on the Frame Decision of the Council of 13th June 2003 concerning European arrest warrants and transfer procedures between the member states (2-002/584/JAI) (implementation into domestic law, cooperation principles, content of statements made on the basis of articles 6, 7 and 25);
- Assessment of the bilateral agreements on legal aid between V4 states and prospects of their continued application (entry into life on 1st May 2004 of regulations no. 1347/2000, 1348/2000, 44/2001, 1206/2001, and work on new Union acquis);
- Implementation of Council Directive 2002/8/EC of 27th January 2003 on access to the system of justice in trans-frontier disputes through elaboration of minimum legal aid standards;
- The meeting will decide on the holding in Poland of an experts' meeting in 2005, devoted to a subject yet to be determined.

5.4. Areas of non-ministry cooperation
(competent institutions in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RP)

Intellectual Property  Protection
- Annual meeting of the heads of patent Offices of the V4 states, 18th-20th September 2004 in Cedzyń (Poland), combined with the annual seminar of coordinator in IP matters to discuss their role following the accession of V4 states to the European Patent Organization. The Polish side suggests the agenda should include the following items:
- overview of the current legislative proposals in the EU (community patent, draft directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions, design protection of component parts, experiences with interaction between the Community Trademarks and the national environment);
- exchange of views on the activities carried out in the framework of WIPO (reform of the PCT, SPLT, TLT, strategy debate on PCT co-operation in Europe, etc.);
- co-operation within the framework of OHIM (search possibilities offered by the OHIM, experiences with the practice);
- co-operation mechanisms between NPOs and the national governments in Brussels policy-making processes;
- changes in national legislation for making possible e-filings.
Control of the activity of authorities of government administration, territorial self-government, national banks and other state and self-government organizational bodies
The cooperation between the Supreme Control Authorities of the VH states is aimed at exchange of information regarding control methods, training, exchange of experts and joint (parallel) controls. Current cooperation could include exchange of information on control methods and results concerning the utilization of structural funds in the respective V4 countries, and conclusions as to more effective ways of using the funds.
- The heads of the Supreme Authorities of Control of the V4 decided to meet every autumn, before meetings of the Contact Committee of Chiefs of the Supreme Organs of Control of EU countries and the European Court of Auditors. In 2004 such a meeting will be held in Slovakia (October).
Foreign investments (Polish Agency of Information and Foreign Investments)
- Formalized accord of the V4 states containing their undertaking to abstain from discrediting other V4 states when seeking investments from third states. This would let us avoid mutual attempts to undermine the credibility of our economies in various presentations and statement.
Regional cooperation of territorial self-governments
- The Forum of the Regions of the Visegrad Group States - forum of representatives of self-government authorities of V4 states, as a platform for exchange of views and experiences, and an opportunity to review the possibilities of joint undertakings in European institutions (Cracow, 11th-12th October, 2004).


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