Declaration of the Presidents of Parliaments of the V4 countries

Closing declaration
of the presidents of Parliaments of Visegrád group countries
on the threats associated with the possible postponement of the enlargement of the Schengen area by new member states of the European union
Košice, Slovakia  November 13th 2006
  • Led by the intention to consequently deepen the integration within the fundamental area of the European Union, 
  • Whereas, in the Hague Programme endorsed in November 2004, the European Council called on the Council, the European Commission and the Member States to take the necessary measures to enlarge the Schengen area by new EU Member States in 2007;
  • Whereas in June 2006 the European Council confirmed that the enlargement of the Schengen area should take place in 2007 in conformity with the Hague Programme, provided all requirements necessary to implement the Schengen accomplishments are fulfilled; 
  • Considering the symbolic and practical significance of border elimination within the European Union to the peoples of the V4 countries and the threat to the EU credibility in the eyes of the citizens, in case such an important commitment were to be postponed; 
  • Whereas the date of integration of these countries into the Schengen area was set on October 2007:
The Speakers of the parliaments of the Visegrád Group countries:
Declare that:
  • 1. They believe that the original date of entry of the new Member States into the Schengen area must be adhered to;
  • 2. They call on the European Commission to provide full and transparent information and analyses indicating the status of the implementation of the central SIS II project, including information about the reasons for any delays in it;
  • 3. They call on the European Commission and the Council of the European Union to take measures to ensure the implementation of the schedule, envisaged in the Hague Programme and confirmed by the European Council in June 2006 of enlarging the Schengen area by new Member States that have satisfied all requirements.
President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic
President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Miloslav VLČEK
President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
President of the Senate of the Republic of Poland
Vice-President of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
on behalf of
President of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
Vice-President of the National Assembly of the Republic Hungary
on behalf of
Katalin SZILI
President of the National Assembly of the Republic Hungary


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