Meeting of the Prime Ministers V4 countries in Warsaw (Joint Press Release)
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the V4 countries in Cracow (Statement on the situation in Ukraine) (Rules of the Visegrad Strategic Programme)
Meeting of Ministers of Finances in the V4+USA format in Warsaw
Meeting of Ministers of Culture in Sárospatak, HU (Communiqué)
Meeting of Ministries of Justice in Cracow
Quadripartite Visegrad Group meeting of the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic, the Hungarian Patent Office, the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland and the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic in Cedzyna, PL (Memorandum)
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in St. Gerlach, Valkenburg (NL)
Meeting of representatives of Ministries of education in format V4+Slovenia in Warsaw
Ministers of the Interior signed a declaration of cooperation in the preparations for joining Schengen in Brussels (Declaration)
The 11th meeting of chairmen of the Foreign Affairs Committees, Defence and Security Committees and EU Affairs Committees of the parliaments of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary in Warsaw (Joint Statement)
Meeting of the V4 Ministers of Defence in Komorní Hrádek (CZ)
The 11th meeting of the Ministers of Enviroment in Siofok, HU (Joint statement)
Official summit of the Prime Ministers on Kroměříž (Declaration, Guidelines)
Prague Meeting of heads of EU Sections of Foreign Ministries of the V4 countries
Meeting of political directors on the issue of CFSP (in the margin of GAERC) in Luxembourg
Meeting of Ministers for Regional Development in Budapest
Meetings of experts of Ministries of Finance to discuss the national funds in Prague
Meeting of Ministers of Culture in Cracow
Meeting of Deputy Ministers of the Interior (Working Group for Schengen cooperation) in Prague
Meeting of Expert Group for implementation of the Dublin acquis in Prague
Meeting of Expert group for computerization of public administration (Ministries of the Interior) in Prague
Meeting of the national Visegrad coordinators with a representative of the Japanese Foreign Ministry, A. Imamura in Bratislava
Summit of Prime Ministers of the V4 and Benelux countries before the session of the European Council in Brussels
Meeting of political directors of Defence Ministries in Měřín
Meeting of the national Visegrád coordinators with the Secretary General of Benelux, B.M.J. Hennekam in Brussels
Meeting of Expert Group for modernization of public administration (Ministries of the Interior) in Prague
Consultations of CEI national coordinators from the V4 countries in Prague
Meeting of the OECD coordinators from the V4 countries in Prague
Meeting of the presidents in Košice
Meeting of Expert group for educational systems in public administration (Ministries of the Interior) in Prague
Special summit of the Prime Ministers in Prague
Meeting of the V4 Ministers for Regional Development in Mariánské Lázně, CZ (Declaration)
Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture in Brno
Meeting of the expert group of the Ministries of the Interior on the fight against extremism (in the format V4+Austria)
Working group of border services (Ministries of the Interior, police) in Prague
Meeting of Expert Group for SIS II in Prague
Meeting of the V4 Ministers of Transport in Čejkovice, CZ (Joint Declaration)
Meeting of Deputy Ministers of the Interior (Working Group for Schengen cooperation) in Prague
Meeting of the Chairmem of the Committies on European Integration and Foreign Affairs of the V4 Parliaments in Bratislava
Preparation of Project EDS—Visegrád: Exchange of Experiences and Development in Special Needs in the V4" (Ministries of Education) in Brno (CZ)
Meeting of the National Visegrad Coordinators with the Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers, Mr. Per Unckel, in Prague
Meeting of the Directors of Analysis and Planning Departments of the V4 MFAs and of the National Visegrad Coordinators in Štiřín (CZ)
Consultations of national Visegrad coordinators and directors of departments for analyses and planning in Štiřín (CZ)
Meeting of directors of consular departments in Bratislava
Meeting of working group for energy (Ministries of Industry) in Budapest
Meeting of the State Secretaries of the V4 MFAs in Prague
Meeting of working group for internal and external borders (Ministries of the Interior, police) in Budapest